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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Culinary Arts Questions

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Grade 9 Culinary Skills
Usually, baking recipes suggest the exact                       to use.
  1. type of mixer
  2. flour brand
  3. container size
  4. color of baking sheet
Grade 9 Culinary Skills
What should be placed under a chopping board to stop it from slipping?
  1. A grip mat.
  2. A damp cloth.
  3. A damp piece of paper towel.
  4. All of the above.
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
During food lab, wearing loose clothes or long chains could lead to injury.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 9 Culinary Skills
How should you cut food that is round?
  1. slice food in half to get a flat edge
  2. slice off thin section so food sits flat and stable on the cutting board
  3. balance the knife carefully on top and start cutting
  4. hold the knife near the blade and cut the food in half
Grade 9 Meal Planning
Food labels provide information about the ingredients and nutritional value of foods.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 9 Culinary Skills
Which type of recipes may NOT be easily altered?
  1. Cakes
  2. Soups
  3. Casseroles
  4. Salads
Grade 9 Culinary Skills
Identify the option that gives good advice about how to scramble eggs?
  1. Eggs can burn easily, don't overcook.
  2. Never add salt or pepper to scrambled eggs.
  3. Use high heat and don't stir eggs while cooking.
  4. Cook eggs for at least 20 minutes for best texture.
Grade 9 Meal Planning
Complex carbohydrates are
  1. composed of sugars linked together.
  2. found in grain products.
  3. good sources of energy.
  4. all of the above.
Grade 9 Culinary Skills
What shouldn't you do when using a knife?
  1. Place your hand under the blade.
  2. Place your fingers out flat.
  3. Allow your hand to come into contact with the blade.
  4. All of the above.
Grade 9 Culinary Skills
When making french fries, identify the culinary cut used to prepare the potatoes.
  1. chiffonade
  2. brunoise
  3. cube
  4. julienne
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Which is a risk for cross contamination?
  1. Cutting raw vegetables with a clean knife
  2. Using one cutting board for meats and another for vegetables
  3. Using one cutting board for all food prep
  4. Washing hands often
Grade 9 Meal Planning
These are starches and sugars found in foods that provide your main source of energy.
  1. carbohydrates
  2. vitamins
  3. fiber
  4. electrolytes
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
To prevent cross-contamination, food handlers should NOT
  1. touch raw meat and then touch cooked or ready-to-eat food
  2. allow food to remain at temperatures above 41 degrees F
  3. take food temperatures when receiving food
  4. hold food at temperatures below 140 degrees F
Grade 9 Meal Planning
Identify what protein provides?
  1. structure, enzymes
  2. enzymes, transportation
  3. structure, transportation, enzymes
  4. enzymes, infection, structure
Grade 9 Meal Planning
These three nutrients provide energy.
  1. proteins, fats, and water
  2. carbohydrates, fats, and minerals
  3. fats, proteins, and vitamins
  4. carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
Grade 9 Baking Skills
Which mixing method is used when making cookies?
  1. biscuit method
  2. creaming method
  3. muffin method
Grade 9 Baking Skills
Identify the four basic ingredients when baking bread.
  1. milk, flour, yeast, grains
  2. flour, water, yeast, salt
  3. flour, water, nutritional yeast, salt
  4. whole grain flour, baking soda, water, salt
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
What is the best way to put out a grease fire?
  1. pour water on it
  2. put a dishtowel over it
  3. smother it with the lid or baking soda, flour, or some type of powder substance
  4. pick up the pot, throw it in a sink and run water on it
Grade 9 Baking Skills
What is used to incorporate air into flour and other dry ingredients?
  1. Shaker
  2. Sauter
  3. Sifter
  4. Slicer
Grade 9 Kitchen Safety and Sanitation
Your kitchen should have a                     fire extinguisher                     to put out fires. These should be checked yearly to see if they still have a charge.
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