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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Cause and Effect Questions

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Grade 4 Cause and Effect CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.4.3

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Why might a dog who is good at diving not do well at competition?
  1. The competition can scare the dog.
  2. The water can be too cold.
  3. The dog can be disobedient.
  4. The other dogs can be crazy.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect
Underline the effect in each sentence.

1. Sam studied and went to bed early therefore he passed the test.

2. Sarah got a conduct mark because she left her backpack at home.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect
Which group of words are signal words for cause and effect?
  1. first, last, then, finally
  2. above, below, under, next
  3. last, finally, and then, once
  4. since, so, because, due to the fact
Grade 4 Cause and Effect
Underline the cause in each sentence.

1. Mary was sick because she ate too much pizza.

2. David was tired so he fell asleep in class.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect
Which word is NOT used to signal a cause and effect sentence?
  1. so
  2. because
  3. therefore
  4. first
Grade 4 Cause and Effect
Authors use cause and effect in stories to explain how things work or how something happened.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Cause and Effect

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Why couldn't Tom go home for the holidays?
  1. He was too sick to travel.
  2. He did not have any family.
  3. His family lived too far away.
  4. His mother asked him not to come.
Grade 4 Cause and Effect

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Why was Johnnie worried about being caught with the cakes?
  1. They were bright pink.
  2. They smelled really good.
  3. He was a very noisy eater.
  4. He had to sit at the front of the church.
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