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Third Grade (Grade 3) Waves and Sound Questions

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Grade 3 Waves and Sound
Sound energy
  1. is made of many colors.
  2. refracts when it is near water.
  3. is the energy produced by vibrating sound waves.
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
A form of energy that you can see. An example would be a lamp, burning matches, or the Sun. It is called                .
  1. chemical energy
  2. light
  3. sound
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
A high frequency creates                   .
  1. a low-pitch sound
  2. a high-pitch sound
  3. no sound
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
A teacher speaking is the sound source, and students listening with their ears are sound receivers.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
What form of energy travels in straight lines from a light source?
  1. heat
  2. light
  3. motion
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
What object would reflect light?
  1. paper
  2. wood
  3. cloth
  4. mirror
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
Light can                off surfaces that it strikes.
  1. energy
  2. motion
  3. reflect
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
Every sound has a different                .
  1. name
  2. frequency
  3. color
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
White light is a mixture of all colors.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
Light is
  1. only from the Sun.
  2. a form of energy.
  3. a form of electricity.
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
Sound travels in waves.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
How can we tell if something is making sound, even if we can't hear it?
  1. The item will get larger.
  2. The item will get smaller.
  3. The item will be vibrating.
  4. The item will disappear.
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
Light can be absorbed by                .
  1. the Sun
  2. matter
  3. rays
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
Which words describe volume?
  1. fast, slow
  2. loud, quiet
  3. high, low
  4. big, small
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
The faster the vibration, the                 the pitch.
  1. higher
  2. lower
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
The slower the vibration, the                 the pitch.
  1. higher
  2. lower
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
How loud or soft a sound is:          volume         .
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
Most of the time, where do sound waves travel through until they reach your ears?
  1. air
  2. cloud
  3. soil
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
Our         mouth         helps us form sounds.
Grade 3 Waves and Sound
A student holds two vibrating objects. Object A is vibrating faster than Object B. Which sentence below is TRUE?
  1. A is LOUDER than B.
  2. B is LOUDER than A.
  3. A will have a higher PITCH than B.
  4. B will have a higher PITCH than A.
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