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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Volcanoes Questions

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Grade 7 Volcanoes
In this type of eruption, the lava flow is slow and there is not a large cloud of ash or lava.
  1. Explosive Eruption
  2. Effusive Eruption
  3. Phreatomagmatic Eruption
  4. Vulcanian Eruption
Grade 7 Volcanoes
A volcanic crater is
  1. the bottom portion of the volcano.
  2. a location where a volcano may be found.
  3. a type of pyroclastic material erupted from volcanoes.
  4. a funnel-shaped opening for the central vent of the volcano.
Grade 7 Volcanoes
Stratovolcano is another term for which type of volcano?
  1. lava dome
  2. cinder cone
  3. shield volcano
  4. composite volcano
Grade 7 Volcanoes
What are the three stages of a volcano?
  1. sleeping, active, unstable
  2. dead, alive, sleeping
  3. active, lazy, erupting
  4. active, dormant, extinct
Grade 7 Volcanoes
Mount Fuji in Japan is an example of which type of volcano?
  1. lava dome
  2. cinder cone
  3. shield volcano
  4. composite volcano
Grade 7 Volcanoes
Grade 7 Volcanoes
There are four main types of volcanoes, they are
  1. shield, dormant, pyramid, and crater.
  2. shield, dome, cinder, and composite.
  3. dome, crater, layered, and pointy.
  4. dome, dormant, composite, and crater.
Grade 7 Volcanoes
Volcanic eruptions have the ability to
  1. change the landscape of nearby areas.
  2. change the climate.
  3. destroy whole cities and/or towns.
  4. all of the above.
  5. none of the above.
Grade 7 Volcanoes
How many volcanoes make up the Ring of Fire?
  1. 1,000 volcanoes
  2. 268 volcanoes
  3. 832 volcanoes
  4. 452 volcanoes
Grade 7 Volcanoes
Choose among the list of alternatives in the first row which best fits the descriptions in the first column.
island arc ring of fire hot spot volcano magma lava
a major belt of volcanoes that rims the Pacific Ocean
an area where magma from deep within the mantle melts through the crust above it
a weak spot in the earth's crust where magma has come to the surface
a molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from the mantle
magma that reaches earth's surface
a formation of islands aligned above a volcanic hot spot
Grade 7 Volcanoes
The type of a volcano is determined by
  1. the material ejected during eruptions.
  2. the location of the volcano.
  3. none of the above.
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