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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Volcanoes Questions

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Grade 6 Volcanoes
Which of the following is not a type of volcano that forms mountains?
  1. shield volcano
  2. composite volcano
  3. fissure volcano
  4. cinder cone volcano
Grade 6 Volcanoes
Which of the following describes shield volcanoes?
  1. smallest type of volcano, steep sides
  2. lava blows out of the vent
  3. alternating layers of lava and ash
  4. largest type of volcano, sloping sides
Grade 6 Volcanoes
What is a dormant volcano?
  1. a volcano that is not active
  2. a volcano that is active
  3. a volcano that has not erupted in along time, but can
  4. a volcano that is made of lava
Grade 6 Volcanoes
When a volcano has not erupted for a long time and is quiet, why is it that people would want to live near it?
  1. A volcano removes trees.
  2. Soil made from weathered volcanic rock is very fertile and rich for farming.
  3. Volcanoes release various gases.
  4. Volcanoes are spectacular to watch.
Grade 6 Volcanoes
The molten, fluid rock that issues from a volcano or volcanic vent.
  1. faults
  2. earthquakes
  3. epicenter
  4. volcano
  5. lava
  6. tsunami
Grade 6 Volcanoes
Which of these come out of volcanoes?
  1. ash
  2. steam
  3. gas
  4. all of these
Grade 6 Volcanoes
What are three types of volcanoes?
  1. composite
  2. shield
  3. volcanic
  4. cinder cone
Grade 6 Volcanoes
Grade 6 Volcanoes
This large volcano seems to be layered, signifying that different types of lava flows have occurred in the past, but the volcano is presently inactive.
  1. Active Shield Volcano
  2. Extinct Shield Volcano
  3. Active Cinder Cone Volcano
  4. Dormant Composite Cone Volcano
Grade 6 Volcanoes
Which of the following is an example of a composite volcano?
  1. Mt. St. Helens
  2. Mauna Loa
  3. Paricutin
  4. Mt. Everest
Grade 6 Volcanoes
1.              Ash               is the smallest and finest sized pyroclastic material.

2. This volcanic rock is poor in silica but rich in magnesium, iron, and calcium. It is the most common volcanic rock and called              Basalt              .

3. Fragments of magma varying in diameter from a few inches to several feet ejected into the air during a volcanic explosion are called              Bombs              .

4. This is a large depression produced following an eruption by the collapse of the roof of a magma chamber. It is usually circular or horseshoe-shaped when viewed from above. This is called a              Caldera              .

5. A volcanic structure composed of two or more vents or lava domes is called a                    Compound Volcano                   .

6. A large volcanic structure with long, gentle slopes built up almost entirely from fluid lava flows is called a                  Shield Volcano                 .

7. Magma that has reached the surface of Earth is called               Lava

8. Molten rock within Earth formed by partial melting of the mantle is called               Magma               .

9. A                 Magma Chamber                 is the reservoir in which magma is accumulated and stored. It is located within the structure of a volcano a few miles from the surface.

10. This is a cone built up by the accumulation of loose bits of magma (scoria) that fall around a vent or crater after being expelled into the air during moderately explosive activity. If still sufficiently hot, they melt when they fall to the ground. This is called a               Cinder Cone              .

11. A dark, vesicular volcanic rock produced by moderately explosive activity or lava flows and resulting from blobs of gas-charged lava that have cooled in flight, is called               Scoria               .

12. A volcano is composed of three basic elements. A              Vent               through which volcanic material erupts, the              conduit              , which is the passageway allowing the magma to reach the surface, and the               reservoir              or magma chamber deep in the crust of Earth.
Grade 6 Volcanoes
What could cause a volcanic eruption?
  1. weather changes
  2. acid rain
  3. heated magma rising to the surface
  4. a hot spot
Grade 6 Volcanoes
This large, gradually sloping volcano has mild eruptions and a continuous flow of lava. Scientists will study the composition of the gathered lava.
  1. Active Shield Volcano
  2. Extinct Shield Volcano
  3. Active Cinder Cone Volcano
  4. Dormant Composite Cone Volcano
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