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Grade 12

The Kite Runner - Historical Fiction - Questions for Tests and Worksheets - Twelfth Grade (Grade 12)

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Grade 12 The Kite Runner
When Amir says that he smells salvation and redemption, he most likely means that...
  1. he will be able to forgive himself for being a coward.
  2. his sins will be forgiven, and, if there is a God, he will be saved.
  3. his father will forgive him for not being the son of his dreams if he wins.
  4. Hassan will forgive him for his cruelty and will run the kite for him.
  5. Ali will forgive him for being a coward and will let him play with Hassan.
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
The simile describing Hassan holding "the kite high over his head, like an Olympic athlete showing his gold medal" is ironic because Hassan is...
  1. going to be beaten badly today.
  2. not a talented athlete.
  3. not good at flying kites.
  4. very fearful.
  5. thinking that Amir will fail.
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
What does Hosseini most likely foreshadow when he alludes to the life of Hitler through Assef's gift to Amir?
  1. the upheaval of Amir's life.
  2. the arrival of Hassan's mother.
  3. Amir's trip back to Afghanistan.
  4. the death of Baba.
  5. Amir's frustration.
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
Amir feels bitter about his birthday party because he...
  1. is angry at Assef.
  2. does not like all of the fuss and preparation.
  3. is shy in front of so many people.
  4. is angry that Hassan is at the party.
  5. knows that the people came for Baba.
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
Before the big kite fight, Amir is having trouble sleeping because he is...
  1. sleeping in a bad bed.
  2. having nightmares.
  3. nervous about kite flying.
  4. worried about the mullahs at school.
  5. excited about his birthday.
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
In ch. 7, when Amir says that he has "endured too much, come too far," he means that he has endured...
  1. responsibility for Hassan as well as the tortures of Assef.
  2. his father's disappointment as well as the pain of the glass string.
  3. the boredom of the school year and then the very old winter.
  4. his grief over the loss of his mother and his frustrated writing career.
  5. his own weakness as well as Ali's teasing.
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
Amir feels bitter about his birthday party because he...
  1. is angry at Assef.
  2. does not like all of the fuss and preparation.
  3. is shy in front of so many people.
  4. is angry that Hassan is at the party.
  5. knows that the people came for Baba.
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
In chapter 24, the purpose of the description of the secretary at the American embassy and Hassan's conversation with her is most likely to...
  1. provide hope for a future in America.
  2. make Amir and Sohrab nervous.
  3. highlight the perceived flaws of the Afghan culture.
  4. remind Amir of home.
  5. make Sohrab miss his mother.
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
What is ironic about the simile comparing the crowd chanting in support of Amir to Romans chanting for gladiators at the end of the passage?
  1. Amir has already cut himself with the glass string.
  2. The Romans have nothing to do with 20th century Afghanistan.
  3. This is a simple kite fight that will not involve killing.
  4. The crowd knows that Amir is considered weak by his father.
  5. Amir already knows he will win.
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
The surprising revelation about Raymond's daughter at the end of this passage changes the reader's and Amir's perception of him by making the reader...
  1. dislike him even more.
  2. understand his strangeness.
  3. frustrated with him.
  4. think it was his own fault.
  5. think he is even more bird-like.
Grade 12 The Kite Runner
Amir tries not to look at his rooftop because he:
  1. needs to keep his concentration.
  2. does not want Hassan to see his nerves.
  3. is worried about a snowstorm.
  4. feels distracted by the kites.
  5. is worried about what Baba is thinking.
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