Question Info

This question is public and is used in 37 tests or worksheets.

Type: Multiple-Choice
Category: The Kite Runner
Level: Grade 12
Score: 3
Author: october11wood
Last Modified: 11 years ago

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The Kite Runner Question

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Grade 12 The Kite Runner

When Amir says that he smells salvation and redemption, he most likely means that...
  1. he will be able to forgive himself for being a coward.
  2. his sins will be forgiven, and, if there is a God, he will be saved.
  3. his father will forgive him for not being the son of his dreams if he wins.
  4. Hassan will forgive him for his cruelty and will run the kite for him.
  5. Ali will forgive him for being a coward and will let him play with Hassan.