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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Tectonics Questions

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Grade 11 Tectonics
Grade 11 Tectonics
Match the term in Column A to the correct definition in Column B.
__ Convergent boundaries A. where two plates are moving apart
__ divergent boundaries B. where plates slide past each other
__ transform boundaries C. where two plates are colliding
Grade 11 Tectonics
Island arcs form along                                    .
  1. subduction zones.
  2. rapidly spreading mid-ocean ridges.
  3. transform faults.
  4. wide continental shelves.
Grade 11 Tectonics
What happens at an active continental margin?
  1. earthquakes keep sediment on the continental shelf.
  2. continent shelves are very wide.
  3. continental shelves are under unusually deep water.
  4. sediment disappears into a trench.
Grade 11 Tectonics