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Eleventh Grade (Grade 11) Oceanography and Hydrology Questions

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Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Which cycle illustrates the path of water through the environment?
  1. nitrogen cycle
  2. carbon cycle
  3. phosphorus cycle
  4. hydrologic cycle
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Match the terms in Column A with their corresponding description in Column B.
__ coral reef A. reef separated from a mainland or island shore by a deep lagoon
__ ribbon reef B. Communities of trees that grow in shallow marine waters
__ wetlands C. Areas where there is a gradual transition from land to water. Include swamps, tidal flats, lagoons and marshes.
__ anaerobic respiration D. Nursery community of flowering plants that live underwater.
__ barrier reef E. A sheet of living coral polyps which grow only a few millimeters a year. A reef composed of coral and the organic matter
__ detritivores F. Sloping part of the beach. The low and hide tides (internal zone)
__ grass community G. Long, narrow, somewhat winding reef, usually associated with an atoll lagoon.
__ sandy beach H. Community along the foreshore where large animals burrow into the sand
__ foreshore I. Bacteria and fungi that live in mud must carry out a cellular metabolism in which oxygen is not used.They use sulfate and release hydrogen sulfide. This leads to the characteristic "rotten egg" smell of the mud flats.
__ mangrove community J. Organisms that feed on detritus (decomposing organic matter)
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
What part of the hydrosphere penetrates the geosphere?
  1. sandstone
  2. magma
  3. groundwater
  4. mantle
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
This layer of the ocean receives sunlight and is wind-stirred.
  1. deep zone
  2. surface zone
  3. thermocline
  4. pressure
Grade 11 Oceanography and Hydrology
The topography of the ocean floor is                                                   .
  1. lacking any significant features
  2. less varied than that of the continents
  3. as varied as that of the continents
  4. not comparable to the topography of the continents
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