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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Stress Management and Health Questions

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Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
A tool for building a healthy life.
  1. coping
  2. consumer
  3. life skill
  4. media
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
To strengthen your self-esteem, you can
  1. Talk positively to yourself
  2. Focus on your strengths and address your weaknesses
  3. Seek support
  4. All of the above
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
People who are emotionally healthy
  1. talks bad about others
  2. feel good about themselves
  3. cry all of the time
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Which does NOT reveal a person's character?
  1. public behavior
  2. doing the right thing
  3. private behavior
  4. playing sports
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
A philosophy of approaching life with optimism and confidence.
  1. positive outlook
  2. sarcasm
  3. pessimistic
  4. modest
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
Grade 9 Stress Management and Health
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