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Sports Questions - All Grades

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Grade 6 Tennis
Match the statement with the correct response. (4 points)
__ server steps on the service line when serving A. ace
__ the ball is served under the tape B. replay Point
__ the ball hits the tape C. fault
__ a ball is served in and never touched by the opposing team D. foot fault
Grade 6 Tennis
Match the description to the correct shot.
__ a ball bounces on your dominant hand side A. volley
__ a ball bounces on your non-dominant hand side B. backhand
__ you're close to the net and hit the ball without it bouncing C. forehand
None Softball
Runner on 3rd base with less than 2 outs, the batter hits a ground ball to first base. How should the first baseman play it?
  1. Field the ground ball and go step on first base.
  2. Field the ground ball, check the runner, then go step on first base.
  3. Field the ground ball, turn and flip the ball to the second baseman covering first base.
  4. Field the ground ball, run down the line and tag the batter out while keeping on eye on the runner at third base.
None Softball
Winning run is on 3rd base. How should the outfielders play?
  1. Outfielders should play up to have a chance to get the out at home.
  2. Outfielders should play normal depth.
  3. Outfielders should play back and not allow the ball to get over their head.
Grade 9 Flag Football
In flag football, a lateral is a pass that is thrown                                    .
  1. like a pass but underhand
  2. overhand but sideways
  3. underhand but sideways or backwards
  4. like a pass but backwards
Grade 3 Tennis
Match the tennis word with its meaning.
__ love A. when one player plays against one other player
__ racquet B. it divides the playing area into two halves
__ singles C. the player uses this to hit the ball
__ doubles D. when a team of two players plays against two other players
__ net E. tennis is played on this
__ court F. when a player has zero points
None Softball
A batter swings and hits the ball. After laying down the bat and running to first, the ball hits the bat in fair territory. What is the call on this play?
  1. The ball remains live, but the batter is out for hitting the ball a second time.
  2. The ball is ruled foul because a bat lying on the ground in the field is ruled as part of dead ball territoy.
  3. Dead ball. The batter is out for hitting the ball a second time.
  4. The ball is live. The batter is not out.
Grade 6 Pickleball
In pickleball, how must you serve?
  1. Overhand
  2. Jump Serve
  3. Underhand
  4. Bounce and Serve
Grade 6 Tennis
Match how you define the type of match is being played. (3 points)
__ if two gentlemen play together A. mixed doubles
__ if a lady plays by herself B. gentleman's doubles
__ if a gentlemen and lady play together C. ladies singles
Grade 9 Soccer
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