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Archery Questions - All Grades

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Grade 10 Archery
When removing the arrow from the target you should:
  1. Grab the arrow and pull
  2. Let your instructor remove them:
  3. Stabelize the tareget with one hand and pull the arrow out with the other
  4. Leave them until the end of class
Grade 10 Archery
Grade 9 Archery
What does 1 whistle blast mean in Archery?
  1. Get bow
  2. Shoot
  3. Go get arrows
  4. Immediatley stop what you are doing
Grade 10 Archery
What does 2 whistles mean?
  1. get bow
  2. shoot arrows
  3. go get arrows
  4. bow on toe
Grade 10 Archery
What is the purpose of the wait line?
  1. get in front of the line and wait for whistle commands
  2. get behind the line and wait for whistle commands
  3. staddle the line and wait for whistle commands
Grade 9 Archery
When the arrow is exactly on the line separting 2 different scores, What score does the archer get?
  1. The higher score
  2. The lower score
  3. The average of the two scores
  4. The archer must re-shoot
Grade 9 Archery
Where does an archer place their feet while at the shooting line?
  1. Both feet on the line
  2. Both feet behind the line
  3. Both feet over the line
  4. Feet straddling the line
Grade 10 Archery
What are the meters used to shoot from in competition?
  1. 5m and10m
  2. 10m and 15m
  3. 15m and 20m
  4. 6m and 12m
Grade 9 Archery
What do 3 whistle blasts mean in archery?
  1. Get bow
  2. shoot
  3. Go get arrows
  4. Immediatley stop what you are doing