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Graduate Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles Questions

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Graduate Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
Skin is sometimes referred to as the largest organ of the body. Why is skin considered to be an organ and not a tissue or some other structure?
  1. Skin consists of multiple cell types functioning as a single integrated unit.
  2. Skin consists of multiple tissue types that cooperate to perform a specific task.
  3. Skin is a vital component of multiple organ systems
  4. Skin consists of a single cell type.
Graduate Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
Graduate Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
Which of the following statements regarding whole-muscle contraction is true?
  1. The order of recruitment of motor units in a muscle is such that the last units recruited are the first to experience fatigue
  2. The order of recruitment of motor units in a muscle is such that the first units recruited generate the most tension
  3. Motor units whose motor neurons have small-diameter cell bodies contract first, followed by motor units with larger-diameter motor neurons
  4. Both the order of recruitment of motor units in a muscle is such that the last units recruited are the first to experience fatigue and the order of recruitment of motor units in a muscle is such that the first units recruited generate the most tension are true
  5. Both the order of recruitment of motor units in a muscle is such that the last units recruited are the first to experience fatigue and motor units whose motor neurons have small-diameter cell bodies contract first, followed by motor units with larger-diameter motor neurons are true
Graduate Skin, Skeleton, and Muscles
Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of specific muscle fiber types?
  1. Fast glycolytic fibers are the largest diameter fibers.
  2. Slow oxidative fibers are the smallest diameter fibers.
  3. Slow oxidative fibers have a low resistance to fatigue.
  4. Fast glycolytic fibers produce their ATP by glycolysis.
  5. Fast oxidative fibers have a high mitochondrial density.