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Graduate Circulatory and Immune Systems Questions

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Graduate Circulatory and Immune Systems
The heart is
  1. a muscle
  2. the size of your fist
  3. able to pump blood throughout your entire body
  4. all of the above
Graduate Circulatory and Immune Systems
What conclusion was inescapable to determine the blood flow to the heart?
  1. the left side of the heart pumped blood through the lungs, the right side pumped blood through the body
  2. it was determined by a number of factors, such as the viscosity of blood and how dilated the blood vessels are
  3. the right side of the heart pumped blood through the lungs, the left side pumped blood through the body
  4. after passing through the afferent arteriole, the filtered blood enters the vasa recta
Graduate Circulatory and Immune Systems
Graduate Circulatory and Immune Systems
Graduate Circulatory and Immune Systems
Graduate Circulatory and Immune Systems
Graduate Circulatory and Immune Systems
The physician suggested doubters to test his theory by doing something. What was it?
  1. dissect a fish to see the heartbeat
  2. place a tight bandage on the upper part of the arm to cut off blood flow from the arteries and the veins
  3. use a stethoscope to hear the heartbeat
  4. watch a dissection of the human heart
Graduate Circulatory and Immune Systems
It was established that the blood flow was not through the septum which left only one possible path. What was it?
  1. the pulmonary artery connected the right ventricle to the lungs
  2. that air did flow down the vessel
  3. from the hepatic portal vein and hepatic arteries
  4. the internal carotid arteries