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Shakespeare's Sonnets - Poetry - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 7 Shakespeare's Sonnets
Shakespeare wrote all but the following play...                  
  1. Romeo and Juliet
  2. The Tempest
  3. Hamlet
  4. Annie Get Your Gun
Grade 10 Shakespeare's Sonnets
Grade 7 Shakespeare's Sonnets
What do the last 2 lines in a Sonnet reveal about the poem?
  1. the rhyme scheme
  2. the plot
  3. the mood
  4. the theme
Grade 7 Shakespeare's Sonnets CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.7.5

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Grade 7 Shakespeare's Sonnets CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.7.5

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What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
  1. ababcdcdefefgg
  2. abbaabbacdecde
  3. ababababababab
  4. abcdabcdabcdee
Grade 10 Shakespeare's Sonnets
When were sonnets developed?
  1. Around the 13th Century
  2. During the French Revolution
  3. Around the 19th Century
  4. In the 20th Century
Grade 7 Shakespeare's Sonnets CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.7.5

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Grade 11 Shakespeare's Sonnets

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In "Sonnet 18," does the beloved fare better or worse than a summer's day?
  1. The beloved fares better; the beloved's beauty declines.
  2. The beloved fares worse; the beloved's wrinkles begin to show.
  3. The beloved fares better; the beloved's beauty is constant.