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Reading Strategies Questions - All Grades

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Grade 5 Fact and Opinion
Grade 7 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.7.1
The largest pool in the city is the Diamond Pool in Washington Park, but the highest diving board is in Lincoln Park. The swim team practiced at the Diamond Pool until five years ago when they started practicing at Kennedy Park. There is now a proposal to move practices from Kennedy Park back to the Diamond Pool.

Based on the information above, which of the following is a valid deduction?
  1. The pool in Lincoln Park is not used for swim meets.
  2. The pool in Washington Park is not used for swim meets.
  3. The swim team currently practices at the largest pool but does not use the highest diving board for practice.
  4. The swim team does not currently practice at the largest pool or at the pool with the highest diving board.
  5. The swim team does not dive.
Grade 8 Simile CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.8.5

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Grade 5 Main Idea CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.5.2

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What is the main idea of the poem?
  1. Summer is very hot and annoying.
  2. Summer is a wonderful time.
  3. Summer is only enjoyed by kings.
  4. Summer is full of fun things to do outside.
Grade 8 Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions

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Based on the article, what is most likely to have a large effect on the economy?
  1. the destruction of old dollar bills
  2. a limited supply of a popular new smart device
  3. the lowering of interest rates by the Federal Reserve
  4. a temporary shutdown of machines at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Grade 9 Fact and Opinion CCSS: CCRA.R.8, RI.9-10.8
Which of the following sentences is an opinion?
  1. In the early 1800s, the United States negotiated treaties with European nations to settle boundary disputes.
  2. The treaty, that removed warships from the Great Lakes, is called the Rush-Bagot Agreement
  3. The state of Florida was bought from Spain in the Adams-Onis Treaty.
  4. The Treaty of Ghent tried to settle boundary disputes between the United States and Canada, and was the worst treaty ever.
Grade 7 Problem and Solution
Angel wanted to join her local community service volunteer group, but her mom thought her grades were too low. Angel decided that she would work hard to bring her grades up so that her mom would allow her to join the group. When Angel brought her grades up to straight A's her Mom was happy to let her join the organization.

What was Angel's problem?
  1. Her mom wanted to be a part of the volunteer group but Angel was embarrassed of her mom.
  2. Angel wanted to volunteer for a group but they did not have any spaces.
  3. Her mom would not allow her to join a volunteer group because her grades were low.
  4. Angel got a job as a volunteer which left her no time to study.
Grade 8 Idiom
What is the meaning of the idiom?

  1. to follow the rules
  2. to not make assumptions about someone
  3. when something is done and over with
Grade 5 Fact and Opinion
Grade 4 Theme CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.4.2

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Which moral best fits the story?
  1. Looks can be deceiving.
  2. Set goals and you will reach them.
  3. Being yourself is the best.
  4. Costumes help you escape life.
Grade 8 Idiom
What is the meaning of the idiom?

  1. to not judge someone based on their appearance
  2. to follow the rules
  3. someone who shares everything about their lives
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