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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Quantum Physics and the Atom Questions

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Grade 10 Quantum Physics and the Atom

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Which of the following represents a correct ground-state electron configuration for a silicon atom?
  1. 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
  2. 1s22s22p43s23p4
  3. 1s22s22p63s23p2
Grade 10 Quantum Physics and the Atom

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Grade 10 Quantum Physics and the Atom
What is meant by the ground state of an atom?
  1. The ground state of an atom is when it has lost all energy.
  2. The ground state of an atom is its highest possible energy state.
  3. The ground state of an atom is when it has not been charged with energy.
  4. The ground state of an atom is its lowest possible energy state.
Grade 10 Quantum Physics and the Atom
What are the differences between the 2s orbital and the 1s orbital of hydrogen? How are they similar? (Select all that apply.)
  1. The 2s orbital is shaped like dumbbells, whereas the 1s orbital is spherical.
  2. The 2s orbital is more oblong than the 1s orbital.
  3. The 2s orbital is larger than the 1s orbital.
  4. The 2s orbital is smaller than the 1s orbital.
  5. The 2s orbital is similar in shape to the 1s orbital.
  6. The 2s orbital is the same size as the 1s orbital.
Grade 10 Quantum Physics and the Atom
How does the energy of a principal energy level depend on the value of n? Does a higher value of n mean a higher or lower energy?
  1. The lower the value of the principal energy level, n, the higher the energy of the principal energy level.
  2. The higher the value of the principal energy level, n, the higher the energy of the principal energy level.
  3. The lower the value of the principal energy level, n, the lower the energy of the principal energy level.
  4. The higher the value of the principal energy level, n, the lower the energy of the principal energy level.