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Tenth Grade (Grade 10) Geography Questions

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Grade 10 Latin American Geography
What is the smallest country in South America (landmass)?
  1. Uruguay
  2. Paraguay
  3. Ecuador
  4. Chile
  5. Suriname
Grade 10 Culture
Values that govern a person or group's behavior
  1. Ethics
  2. Naughty
  3. Unseemly
  4. Corrupt
Grade 10 Geography

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Which trend best characterizes world population growth?
  1. People living in healthy nations have a higher mortality rate.
  2. The worldwide average fertility rate is too low to replace the current population.
  3. Men make up more of the population and live longer.
  4. The world's population continues to increase at a rapid rate.
Grade 10 Map Components
The latitude of an observer on Earth:
  1. runs east and west of the Prime Meridian
  2. runs east and west of the Equator
  3. is the same as the altitude of Polaris
  4. increases as you move due west
Grade 10 European Geography
In what two bodies of water could you swim if you were to go to the beach in Greece?
  1. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
  2. Pacific and Indian Oceans
  3. Aegean and Mediterranean Seas
  4. Baltic and Black Seas
Grade 10 Latin American Geography
               is the most populous city in Brazil?
  1. Manaus
  2. Rio de Janiero
  3. Fortaleza
  4. Sao Paulo
Grade 10 US Geography
Grade 10 Culture
The result of a blending of cultures is called
  1. steerage
  2. melting pot
  3. Americanization
  4. Exclusion Act
Grade 10 US Geography
Grade 10 Latin American Geography
What is the tallest Mountain in South America?
  1. Aconcagua
  2. Ojos del Salado
  3. Chimborazo
  4. Cotopaxi
Grade 10 Geography
Which of the following is an example of how a creative cultural expression is related to the natural environment?
  1. The use of local natural resources for building and architecture.
  2. The Hindu belief in reincarnation.
  3. The diffusion of language through migration.
  4. The development of a special music style to accompany religious worship.
Grade 10 Themes of Geography
Latitude lines:
  1. run north and south of the equator
  2. run east and west of the Prime Meridian
  3. meet at the poles
  4. have a maximum of 180 degrees
Grade 10 Australian Geography
Australia has been nicknamed "the land down under" due to what geographical feature?
  1. Tropic of Cancer
  2. Continent of South America
  3. Equator
  4. South Pole
Grade 10 Geography
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What is Australia's national capital?
  1. Sydney
  2. Brisbane
  3. Melbourne
  4. Canberra
Grade 10 Australian Geography
Grade 10 Geography
The term urban means
  1. country
  2. outside of the city
  3. city
  4. coastal
Grade 10 Australian Geography
What single city contains about 20% of the residence of its entire continent?
  1. Sydney, Australia
  2. New York City, New York
  3. Honolulu, Hawaii
  4. All of the Above
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