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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Geography Questions

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Grade 6 Map Components
Grade 6 European Geography
What separates Europe from Asia?
  1. Ural Mountains
  2. The Red Sea
  3. The Rhine
  4. The Alps
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 Map Components
Grade 6 US Geography
What is the longest river in the United States?
  1. Amazon River
  2. Mississippi River
  3. Ohio River
  4. Missouri River
Grade 6 European Geography
What is the longest European River?
  1. Seine
  2. Volga
  3. Tiber
  4. Danube
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 6 Asian Geography
Which landform marks the boundary between Europe and Asia?
  1. Caucasus Mountains
  2. Volga River
  3. Caspian Sea
  4. Ural Mountains
Grade 6 Map Components
Borders between countries, states, or cities would be shown on what type of map?
  1. Physical map
  2. Resource map
  3. Political map
  4. Topographic map
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 African Geography
Which country is completely surrounded by South Africa?
  1. Lesotho
  2. Swaziland
  3. Mauritania
  4. Burkina Faso
Grade 6 Bodies of Water and Continents
Grade 6 US Geography
Grade 6 Latin American Geography
Central America is what type of landform?
  1. Strait
  2. Isthmus
  3. Peninsula
  4. Archipelago
Grade 6 European Geography
Grade 6 North American Geography
Grade 6 Map Components
What could you learn from a climate map?
  1. how much rainfall an area receives
  2. the average temperature of an area in summer
  3. how cold an area gets in winter
  4. all of the above
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