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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Fluid Mechanics Questions

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Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
An object will sink or float because of its                 and mass.
  1. floating
  2. taste
  3. volume
  4. matter
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
Why does oil float on water?
  1. Oil is less dense than water
  2. Oil is more dense than water
  3. Oil and water have the same density
  4. Both water and oil are liquids
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
If an item floats it has                 density than water.
  1. higher
  2. lower
  3. the same
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
If an object floats on a liquid,                                         force of the liquid                                         on the object is                                         than the force of                                         pulling the object down.
  1. dense, pushing up, less, nature
  2. buoyant, pulling down, greater, gravity
  3. buoyant, pushing up, greater, gravity
  4. buoyant, pushing up, less, gravity
  5. dense, pushing up, greater, gravity
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
Buoyancy is an object's ability to float.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
The measure of the force with which air molecules push on a surface is called                .
  1. conduction
  2. convection
  3. air pressure
  4. radiation
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
A liquid with high viscosity will flow slowly.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
A wooden stick is more                 than a penny.
  1. buoyancy
  2. buoyant
  3. dense
  4. saturated
  5. gravity
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
How can you make oil flow faster?
  1. Cool it by putting it in the fridge.
  2. Heat it up.
  3. Stir it a few times (but not too much).
  4. None of the above
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
A wooden stick floats on water because it is less dense than water.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
Equal size balls of cork, lead, and aluminum are placed in water. Which will float?
  1. lead
  2. cork
  3. aluminum
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
Adding heat to syrup makes the syrup more viscous.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
Cooling honey will make it flow faster.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
Honey is more viscous than maple syrup. Therefore, the honey will flow                   the maple syrup.
  1. faster than
  2. slower than
  3. as fast as
  4. none of the above
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
The more viscous a liquid is the                   it is.
  1. thicker
  2. thinner
  3. tastier
  4. darker
  5. none of the above
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
Fresh water is more dense than salt water.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
An egg sinks in fresh water but floats in salt water.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
A penny sinks in water because the penny is LESS dense than water.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
An object floats on a liquid because it is less dense than the liquid.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Fluid Mechanics
Items that float have a property called                .
  1. weight
  2. buoyancy
  3. density
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