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Third Grade (Grade 3) Energy and Momentum Questions

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Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
The energy from the Sun is an example of how light energy changes into                 energy.
  1. heat
  2. light
  3. sound
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
The ability to move something or cause a change in matter is called                .
  1. energy
  2. matter
  3. sound
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
A kind of fuel such as gas, coal, oil, matches, wood, and food. It is called                 energy.
  1. motion
  2. sound
  3. chemical
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
What kind of energy is used by a skateboarder to roll down a hill?
  1. light
  2. sound
  3. electrical
  4. mechanical
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
Coal, wood, and oil are used to heat homes. This is when chemical energy changes to                 energy.
  1. sound
  2. heat
  3. light
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
A form of energy that you can hear. It moves in waves through air or water. An example would be when something vibrates. This energy is called                .
  1. light
  2. sound
  3. matter
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
The ability to do something is called                .
  1. motion
  2. energy
  3. work
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
A form of energy that you can hear. An example comes from particles that vibrate. Sound moves in waves through air or water.
  1. light
  2. sound
  3. heat
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
A light bulb is an example of how electrical energy changes into                 energy. This is an example of how a wire in the bulb gets so hot that it glows brightly.
  1. heat
  2. light
  3. sound
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
What is energy that you can see?
  1. shadow
  2. open circuit
  3. absorb
  4. light energy
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
Gas is burned in a car engine. It is when a chemical energy changes into                 energy.
  1. mechanical
  2. heat
  3. electrical
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
                energy is energy that you can hear.
  1. Sound
  2. Light
  3. Mechanical
  4. Electrical
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
Plants use energy from the Sun to make food. This is when light changes to                 energy.
  1. mechanical
  2. chemical
  3. electrical
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
Energy of moving objects such as parts of machines like a car. It is called                 energy.
  1. mechanical
  2. electrical
  3. chemical
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
Which kind of energy flows through wires?
  1. light
  2. sound
  3. electrical
  4. mechanical
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
We all have energy, even when we are sleeping.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
Energy always stays in the same form.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
A solar panel and a dam are similar because they both
  1. are made of metal.
  2. use solar energy.
  3. convert energy from one type to another.
  4. create energy.
Grade 3 Energy and Momentum
Which of the following BEST describes kinetic energy?
  1. Energy that is in motion
  2. Energy yet to be made
  3. Stored energy
  4. Used energy
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