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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Egypt Questions

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Grade 5 Egypt
Egyptian mummies were usually dehydrated using natron, which is what?
  1. a salt
  2. an herb
  3. a type of reed
  4. Silt from the Nile
Grade 5 Egypt
Purposeful mummification in Egypt began during what period?
  1. 2nd Intermediate Period
  2. Middle Kingdom
  3. New Kingdom
  4. Old Kingdom
Grade 5 Egypt
Ancient Egyptians believed that the dead body had to be preserved so that the soul could inhabit it again in the afterlife.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Egypt
Before mummification the brain of the deceased was taken out through the nose using a hook.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Egypt
In the Egyptian mummification process it took forty days to dehydrate a body.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Egypt
Because he was the god of mummification, the lids of all canopic jars were shaped like Osiris.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Egypt
Egyptian tombs were often filled with food, drink, clothes, and furniture for the mummy to use in the afterlife.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Egypt
Who was the god of the sun?
  1. Anubis
  2. Ma'at
  3. Horus
  4. Ra
Grade 5 Egypt
Answer the following questions about ancient Egyptian gods.
__ Who was the chief god during the New Kingdom? A. Set
__ Who was the Egyptian god of the sun? B. Thoth
__ Which Egyptian god was represented by the sun disk? C. Nut
__ Which Egyptian goddess was the goddess of magic and considered the mother of the Pharaoh? D. Amun
__ Who is the Egyptian god of the sky and kingship? E. Aten
__ Which Egyptian God killed Osiris, but was also the protector of Ra? F. Isis
__ Which Egyptian god weighed the hearts of the dead? G. Horus
__ Who is the Egyptian god of wisdom? H. Anubis
__ Who is the Egyptian goddess of truth and justice? I. Ra
__ Who is the Egyptian goddess of the stars and the sky? J. Maat
Grade 5 Egypt
Who was the Egyptian god of wisdom and writing?
  1. Amon-Re
  2. Thoth
  3. Isis
  4. Osiris
Grade 5 Egypt
Who was the god of the underworld and resurrection?
  1. Ra
  2. Set
  3. Isis
  4. Osiris
Grade 5 Egypt
Answer the following questions about when events happened in Egyptian history.
Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom Ptolemaic
Rosetta Stone was created
Pyramids were built
Egypt became monotheistic under Akhenaten
Osiris became the most important god
The Valley of the Kings became the royal burial site
Cleopatra became pharaoh
The Hyskos began to settle in Egypt
The Great Sphinx was carved
Grade 5 Egypt
The least expensive form of mummification simply involved removing all the internal organs and dehydrating the body with natron.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Egypt
Only the Pharaoh was allowed to be mummified.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Egypt
               , the goddess of magic and healing, was also the wife of Osiris.
  1. Set
  2. Isis
  3. Maat
  4. Hathor
Grade 5 Egypt
After a body was dried, it was rubbed with wine and oils and then wrapped in linen in a process that could take up to 50 days.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Egypt
Amulets, magic spells, and prayers were often wrapped in the linen with the body in order to provide protection.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 5 Egypt
Who was the god of the sky?
  1. Hathor
  2. Horus
  3. Ptah
  4. Set
Grade 5 Egypt
During the reign of Akhenaten only                 was allowed to be worshiped.
  1. Ra
  2. Aten
  3. Anubis
  4. Amunet
Grade 5 Egypt
Which god weighed the hearts of the dead to determine their afterlife?
  1. Set
  2. Maat
  3. Osiris
  4. Anubis
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