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Connotations and Denotations Questions - All Grades

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Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
Complete the analogy.

Square : Perimeter :: Circle :
  1. Area
  2. Radius
  3. Volume
  4. Circumference
Grade 9 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 8 Connotations and Denotations
Sound is to hear as odor is to:
  1. see
  2. touch
  3. smell
  4. taste
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.6.5, L.6.5b
Bridge Type: Other
  1. car : garage
  2. snake : ocean
  3. tiger : jungle
  4. chair : table
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 11 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.1, CCRA.L.2, L.11-12.1, L.11-12.2
"ILNY, it's a gr8 plc."

In Standard American English, the sentence above translates as:
  1. ILNY, it's a gr8 place.
  2. I love New York, it's a great place.
  3. I love new york, it's a great place.
  4. I love New York, its a great place.
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations
Ensue : follow ::
  1. run : lead
  2. pursue : chase
  3. permit : play
  4. object : quit
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.6.5, L.6.5b
Analogies Bridge Type: Part to Whole
  1. November : December
  2. Wednesday : night
  3. today : afternoon
  4. January : winter
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.6.5, L.6.5c
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.6.5, L.6.5c
What is the denotation of general?
  1. not specific
  2. an idea
  3. involving, applicable to, or affecting the whole
  4. particular
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.6.5, L.6.5b
Bridge Type: Function
  1. shower : water
  2. chef : food
  3. machine : snow
  4. child : art
Grade 7 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.7.5, L.7.5b
Grade 9 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.6.5, L.6.5b
Bridge Type: Definition (Antonyms)
  1. disturbing : soothing
  2. cruel : ruthless
  3. pitiful : miserable
  4. vexing : irritating
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations
Grade 6 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.6.5, L.6.5c
What is the denotation of connotation?
  1. something suggested by a word or thing
  2. the meaning of a word or phrase
  3. a quality, feeling, or attitude expressed by the words that someone uses in speaking or writing
  4. overall feeling, emotion or effect created in the reading
Grade 8 Connotations and Denotations CCSS: CCRA.L.5, L.8.5, L.8.5c
Which word is a positive connotation of "greedy"?
  1. moneygrubbing
  2. avaricious
  3. covetous
  4. curious
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