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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) African-American Literature Questions

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Grade 9 Autobiography of Malcolm X
What religion did Malcolm associate with?
  1. Christianity
  2. Islam
  3. Catholicism
  4. Buddhism
Grade 9 Autobiography of Malcolm X
This text would be considered...
  1. A memoir
  2. A biography
  3. A novel
  4. A bildungsroman
Grade 9 Autobiography of Malcolm X
What is the point of view of the text?
  1. First person from Malcolm X's point of view
  2. First person from Alex Haley's point of view
  3. First person from Alex Haley and Malcolm X's point of view
  4. Third person point of view
Grade 9 Autobiography of Malcolm X
Why does Malcolm X have a white girlfriend when he lives in Boston?
  1. Because he loves her
  2. Because she's wealthy
  3. Because she's a symbol
  4. Because he wants to be ironic
Grade 9 Autobiography of Malcolm X CCSS: CCRA.R.4, RI.9-10.4
As a child, Malcolm feels somewhat like a "pink poodle." What does this mean?
  1. People think he's extremely funny.
  2. People treat him nicely because he's different, for show.
  3. People love to dress him up and parade him around.
  4. People don't want him because he's different.
Grade 9 A Lesson Before Dying
Grant goes to Bayonne to see...
  1. Vivian
  2. Miss Emma
  3. Tante Lou
  4. Inez
Grade 9 A Lesson Before Dying
Miss Emma is:
  1. Jefferson's mom
  2. Jefferson's godmother
  3. Jefferson's aunt
Grade 9 A Lesson Before Dying
Jefferson was...
  1. Not involved with the robbery
  2. The robber
  3. The one who killed Brother
Grade 9 Autobiography of Malcolm X CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RI.9-10.3
What frustrates Malcolm most as a child?
  1. He's treated as a symbol, not a person.
  2. He is stuck in foster care.
  3. He doesn't have a lot of friends or privileges.
  4. He's not treated equally because he is black.
Grade 9 A Lesson Before Dying
Tante Lou is...
  1. Grant's mom
  2. Grant's aunt
  3. Grant's godmother
Grade 9 A Lesson Before Dying
Grant wants Vivian to...
  1. Leave with him
  2. Be married to him
  3. Go visit Jefferson with him
Grade 9 A Lesson Before Dying
The Sheriff's brother-in-law is...
  1. Henri Pichot
  2. Grant
  3. Jefferson
Grade 9 A Lesson Before Dying
Mr. Grope is...
  1. The storekeeper
  2. The robber
  3. Jefferson's grandfather
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