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First Grade (Grade 1) African-American Literature Questions

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Grade 1 African-American Literature
Peter saw some big boys. What were they doing?
  1. making snow cones
  2. sledding down the hill
  3. having a snowball fight
  4. looking out the window
Grade 1 African-American Literature
After his dream, Peter woke up. What did he see when he woke up?
  1. New snow was falling.
  2. The sun was shining bright.
  3. Icicles were melting on the trees.
  4. His parents were standing by his bed.
Grade 1 African-American Literature
Before he went inside, Peter
  1. took off his boots.
  2. called for his dog.
  3. made a giant snow fort.
  4. put a snowball in his pocket.
Grade 1 African-American Literature
Peter walked in the snow. He walked with his toes
  1. pointing in and out.
  2. tapping out a tune.
  3. freezing in his shoes.
  4. getting wet and cold.
Grade 1 African-American Literature
At night, Peter had a dream. He dreamed that
  1. all the snow melted.
  2. he met Santa Claus.
  3. all his wishes came true.
  4. he ate all the candy he wanted.
Grade 1 African-American Literature
Before bed, Peter looked in his pocket. He felt sad. Why did he feel sad?
  1. He could not find his snowball.
  2. He lost his lucky penny.
  3. His dog took his cookie.
  4. His fingers were cold.
Grade 1 African-American Literature
After breakfast, what did Peter do?
  1. did his homework
  2. cleaned his room
  3. put on his snowsuit
  4. opened his birthday presents
Grade 1 African-American Literature
Outside, everything was
  1. covered with snow.
  2. dark and quiet.
  3. moving slowly.
  4. very wet.
Grade 1 African-American Literature
Peter woke up. When he woke up, he
  1. bumped his head.
  2. turned on the light.
  3. ate some pancakes.
  4. looked out the window.
Grade 1 African-American Literature
Peter dragged his feet to make tracks. How did he drag his feet?
  1. quickly
  2. slowly
  3. zig zaggedly
  4. uppity downity
Grade 1 African-American Literature
Peter found a                . He smacked the tree with it.
  1. glove
  2. broom
  3. stick
  4. teddy bear
Grade 1 African-American Literature
Peter made a smiling snowman and                 in the snow.
  1. angels
  2. kittens
  3. houses
  4. cookies