Printable Middle School Science Worksheets, Tests, and Activities

Challenge students to explore the natural and physical world with this collection of science worksheets and activities.
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Middle School Life Science
From cells, to organisms, to ecology, use these life science worksheets and quizzes to supplement and support your life science teaching.
Anatomy and Physiology
- The Human Eye
- The Human Heart
- Cell Structure
- Cell Structure Vocabulary
- Digestive System
- Body Systems
- Respiratory System
- Respiratory System Vocabulary
- Intestines
- Lungs
Reading Passages
Botany, Ecology, and Zoology
- Bird Adaptations
- Ecosystems
- Biomes
- Food Webs
- Exploring Biomes: Grasslands
- Exploring Biomes: The Rainforest
- Photosynthesis
- Conifer Life Cycle
- Taxonomy
- Kingdoms
- Sharks
General Life Science
Middle School Physical Science
In middle school, physical science students continue their studies of matter, motion, energy, and waves. Supplement your teaching by printing these physical science worksheets or assigning online via Test Room.
- States of Matter
- Physical Science Review
- Physical Science Vocabulary Review
- Reading a pH Scale
- Temperature Scales
- Converting Between Celsius and Fahrenheit
- Converting Between Celsius and Kelvin
- Atomic Structure
- Atomic Structure Vocabulary
- Mixtures
- The Elements
- The Periodic Table
- Molecules and Compounds
- Physical vs. Chemical Change
- Atoms
- Estimating Mass
- Density
- Understanding Density
- Calculating Density
- Classifying Matter
- Guess the Substance
- Element Symbols
- Organizing the Elements - Activity
- What Element Am I? - Activity
- Periodic Table and Elements
- Periodic Table Vocabulary
- Matter
- Noble Gases
- pH Scale
- Acids and Bases - Fill in the Blanks
- Compounds
- Physical & Chemical Properties
- Properties of Matter Vocabulary
- Protons
- Neutrons
- Electrons
- The Element Hydrogen
- The Element Oxygen
- The Element Chlorine
- The Element Argon
- The Element Copper
- Ideal Mechanical Advantage of Levers
- Wave Properties and Behavior
- Physical Science Review
- Physical Science Vocabulary Review
- Simple Machine Review
- Kinetic and Potential Energy Concepts
- Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
- Fluid Mechanics
- Mechanical Energy
- Light
- Gravity
- Heat
- Types of Energy
- Circuits
- Phases of Matter - Activity
- Motion Vocabulary
- Work and Power
- Magnetism
- Electricity
- Waves
- Wave Vocabulary
- Levers
- Laws of Motion
- Newton's First Law of Motion
- Laws of Motion Word Search
- Motion Calculations
- Mechanical Advantage
- Thermal Energy
- Electromagnetic Spectrum Diagram
- Magnets and Magnetic Fields
- Forms of Energy
- Simple Machines Vocabulary
Middle School Earth and Space Science
The Earth is a complex system. Develop middle school student understanding of Earth systems, its place in the universe, and how human activities impact our planet with this collection of Earth and Space Science worksheets and tests.
- Astronomy Vocabulary Review
- Phases of the Moon
- Moon Phases
- Our Solar System
- The Inner Planets
- The Outer Planets
- Solar System Objects
- Lunar Phases
- One-Way Ticket to Mars (Reading Passage)
- Earth vs. Mars (Reading Passage)
- Science Note-Taking: The Planets
- Telescopes and Light new!
- Science Note-Taking: Meteor Showers
- Earth's Rotation and Revolution
- The Sun
- Telescopes
- Planetary Motion
- Inner Planets
- The Moon
- Astronomy Vocabulary
- Solar System Vocabulary
- Eclipses
- Solar Eclipses
- Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse
- Constellations
- Understanding Galaxies
- Ocean Floor
- Seawater
- Earth’s Spheres
- Water Cycle
- The Water Cycle
- Bodies of Water Vocabulary
- Lakes
- River Systems
- Groundwater
- Environmental Science Vocabulary
- The Atmosphere
- Weather and Climate
- Storm!
- Air
- Hurricanes
- Severe Weather - Hurricanes
- Weather Fronts
- Earth's Interior
- Earth's Interior - Diagram Analysis
- Water Cycle Diagram
- The Earth's Water Cycle
- Weather or Climate?
- Landforms Diagram
- Three Types of Faults
- Tectonic Plates
- Tectonic Plates Map
- The Ring of Fire
- Rock Identification
- Earth Science Review
- Earth Science Vocabulary Review
- Branches of Earth Science
- Hazardous Material Spill
- Global Warming (Reading Passage)
- Tornadoes and Hurricanes (Reading Passage)
- Evaluating a Science Graphic - Recycling new!
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Rock Classification - Activity
- The Rock Cycle - Activity
- Rocks
- Metamorphic Rocks
- Sedimentary Rock Classification
- Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks
- Gemstones
- Fossils
- Geologic Dating
- Earth's History
- Minerals
- Mineral Properties - Mohs Hardness Scale
- Mineral Properties
- Mineral Terminology
- What is a Mineral?
- Soil Horizons
- Topographic Maps
- Volcano
- Volcanoes
- Volcano Vocabulary
Scientific Methods and Applications
Asking questions, modeling, and carrying out investigations are practices that all scientifically literate students must master. Use these worksheets to reinforce learning of these fundamental skills.
- The Scientific Method - Activity
- Science KWL Chart
- Identifying Lab Equipment
- Laboratory Equipment
- Lab Glassware
- Scientific Inferences and Observations new!
- Science Reading Skill - Cause and Effect
- Science Reading Skill - Main Idea #1
- Science Reading Skill - Main Idea #2
- Science Reading Skill - Making Inferences
- Science Note-Taking: The Planets
- Science Note-Taking: Meteor Showers