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Printable Middle School Science Worksheets, Tests, and Activities

Middle School Science Worksheets -

Challenge students to explore the natural and physical world with this collection of science worksheets and activities.

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Don't see a worksheet you need? Use our Test Maker™ to create your own printable that fits your needs. Browse science questions or use our advanced search to find existing questions while filtering by grade levels and keywords. Customize your test further by creating your own assessment questions.

Middle School Life Science

From cells, to organisms, to ecology, use these life science worksheets and quizzes to supplement and support your life science teaching.

Middle School Physical Science

In middle school, physical science students continue their studies of matter, motion, energy, and waves. Supplement your teaching by printing these physical science worksheets or assigning online via Test Room.

Middle School Earth and Space Science

The Earth is a complex system. Develop middle school student understanding of Earth systems, its place in the universe, and how human activities impact our planet with this collection of Earth and Space Science worksheets and tests.

Scientific Methods and Applications

Asking questions, modeling, and carrying out investigations are practices that all scientifically literate students must master. Use these worksheets to reinforce learning of these fundamental skills.