Printable Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Worksheets, Tests, and Activities
Print our Sixth Grade (Grade 6) worksheets and activities, or administer them as online tests. Our worksheets use a variety of high-quality images and some are aligned to Common Core Standards.
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- Arts
- English Language Arts
- Life Skills
- Math
- Physical Education
- Science
- Seasonal and Holidays
- Social Studies
- Study Skills/Strategies
English Language Arts
Cause and Effect
Compare and Contrast
Figurative Language
- Adverbs 1
- Capitalization and Punctuation
- Combining Sentences
- Compound Sentences
- Daily Grammar: U.S. Coast Guard
- Grades 6-8 Subject-Verb Agreement Review
- Indefinite Pronouns and Double Negatives Review
- Intensive vs. Reflexive Pronouns
- Mixed Singular and Plural Noun Review
- More Singular and Plural Nouns
- Nouns as Objects
- Prefixes: IN or IM?
- Pronouns Review
- Reflexive Pronouns #2
- Simple Sentences
- Singular and Compound Subjects
- Telling vs. Asking Sentences
- Using Interrogative Adjectives
- Vague Pronouns
- Capitalization
- Capitalization and Punctuation
- Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
- Coordinating Conjunctions
- Grade 6 Grammar Review
- Grades 6-8 Types of Pronouns
- Intensive Pronouns Fill in the Blank
- Irregular Plural Nouns
- More Nouns as Objects
- Nouns as Adjectives
- Nouns Used as Verbs
- Pronoun Types
- Reflexive Pronouns
- Sentence Structure
- Singular and Compound Predicates
- Singular and Plural Nouns
- Types of Conjunctions
- Using Question Words
Informational Stories and Texts
Literature - Books, Stories
Main Idea
Reading Strategies
Text Analysis
- Analyze Text Structure
- Compare and Contrast
- Compare and Contrast - Fiction
- Compare and Contrast - Non-Fiction
- Compare and Contrast - Non-Fiction
- Freytag's Pyramid Matching
- Identifying Genre
- Making Connections while Reading
- Poem Analysis: The Flag Goes By
- Propaganda and Persuasive Techniques
- Traits of Genres
Life Skills
Arithmetic and Number Concepts
- Adding and Subtracting Multi-Digit Decimals
- Dividing Fractions
- Dividing Multi-Digit Numbers
- Grade 6 Number System Review
- Identifying Number Properties
- Multiplying and Dividing Multi-Digit Decimals
- Opposite Signs of Numbers
- Percent Word Problems
- Percents of Numbers
- Positive and Negative Numbers
- Ratio and Rate Word Problems
- Unit Rate Word Problems
- Dividing Fractions
- Dividing Fractions by Fractions - Word Problems
- GCF and the Distributive Property
- Greatest Common Factor
- Least Common Multiple
- Number Lines and Rational Numbers
- Percent of a Quantity Word Problems
- Percentage
- Positive and Negative Number Calculations
- Proportions
- Understanding Ratios Word Problems
- Using Number Lines
Function and Algebra Concepts
- Algebraic Terminology
- Distributive Property with Algebra Tiles
- Equivalent Expressions
- Evaluating Exponents
- Expressions and Equations Review
- Graphing Inequalities on Number Lines
- Numerical Expressions with Exponents
- Printable Algebra Tiles - Black & White
- Ratios and Proportional Relationships Review
- Substitution #2
- Whole-Number Exponents
- Writing Exponents
- Distance Between Integers on Number Lines
- Equivalent Algebraic Expressions
- Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
- Evaluating Whole-Number Exponents
- Graphing Absolute Value Inequalities
- Graphing Linear Inequalities on Number Lines
- Positive/Negative Numbers w/ Algebra Tiles
- Printable Algebra Tiles - Color
- Substitution
- Understanding Exponents
- Writing Algebraic Expressions with Tiles
Geometry and Measurement
- Blank Number Lines -5 to 5
- Distance Between Integers on Number Lines
- Graphing Inequalities on Number Lines
- Histogram - Math Quiz Scores
- Identifying Simple Inequalities from Number Lines
- Interpreting a Histogram
- Interpreting Box Plots - Maximum and Minimums
- Line Plot Practice
- Number Lines and Rational Numbers
- Opposite Integers on Number Lines
- Quadrants of the Coordinate Plane
- Reading a Histogram
- Representing Integers on Number Lines
- Using a Box Plot
- Coordinate Plane - Four Quadrants
- Graphing Absolute Value Inequalities
- Graphing Linear Inequalities on Number Lines
- Histogram Frequency Table
- Identifying Simple Inequalities on Number Lines
- Interpreting Box Plots
- Interpreting Box Plots - Range and IQR
- Locating Points on a Coordinate Plane
- One-Variable Inequalities on Number Lines Review
- Polygons in the Coordinate Plane
- Reading a Box Plot
- Representing Inequalities on Number Lines
- The Coordinate Plane
- Using Double Box Plots
Middle School Math
- Adding and Subtracting Multi-Digit Decimals
- Areas of Polygons
- Coordinate Plane – Four Quadrants
- Distributive Property with Algebra Tiles
- Dividing Fractions by Fractions - Word Problems
- Equivalent Algebraic Expressions
- Expressions and Equations Review
- GCF and the Distributive Property
- Grade 6 Number System Review
- Graphing Absolute Value Inequalities
- Graphing Linear Inequalities on Number Lines
- Histogram - Math Quiz Scores
- Identifying Simple Inequalities from Number Lines
- Interpreting a Histogram
- Interpreting Box Plots - Maximum and Minimums
- Least Common Multiple
- Locating Points on a Coordinate Plane
- Mean, Median, Mode, and Range with Dice
- Median
- Multiplying and Dividing Multi-Digit Decimals
- Number Lines and Rational Numbers
- One-Variable Inequalities on Number Lines Review
- Opposite Signs of Numbers
- Polygons and the Coordinate Plane
- Positive and Negative Numbers
- Printable Algebra Tiles - Black & White
- Proportions
- Range
- Reading a Box Plot
- Representing Inequalities on Number Lines
- Statistical Questions
- Substitution #2
- The Coordinate Plane
- Using a Box Plot
- Volumes of Right Rectangular Prisms
- Writing Exponents
- Algebraic Terminology
- Central Tendency (Mean, Median, &; Mode)
- Distance Between Integers on Number Lines
- Dividing Fractions
- Dividing Multi-Digit Numbers
- Evaluating Exponents
- Finding Unit Prices
- Grade 6 Geometry Review
- Grade 6 Statistics & Probability Review
- Graphing Inequalities on Number Lines
- Greatest Common Factor
- Histogram Frequency Table
- Identifying Simple Inequalities on Number Lines
- Interpreting Box Plots
- Interpreting Box Plots - Range and IQR
- Line Plot Practice
- Mean
- Measures of Center and Variation
- Mode
- Nets and Solid Figures
- Numerical Expressions with Exponents
- Opposite Integers on Number Lines
- Percent Word Problems
- Polygons in the Coordinate Plane
- Positive/Negative Numbers w/ Algebra Tiles
- Printable Algebra Tiles - Color
- Quadrants of the Coordinate Plane
- Ratios and Proportional Relationships Review
- Reading a Histogram
- Representing Integers on Number Lines
- Substitution
- Survey Sampling
- Understanding Exponents
- Using Double Box Plots
- Writing Algebraic Expressions with Tiles
Statistics and Probability
Word Problems
Physical Education
Earth Science
Life Science
Middle School Science
- Air
- Biome Map
- Bodies of Water Vocabulary
- Branches of Earth Science
- Compounds
- Constellations
- Ecosystems
- Environmental Science Vocabulary
- Exploring Biomes: The Rainforest
- Groundwater
- Identifying Lab Equipment
- Kingdoms
- Laboratory Safety Symbols
- Laws of Motion
- Life Science Review
- Lunar Phases
- Mechanical Energy
- Phases of the Moon
- Practicing Lab Safety
- Science KWL Chart
- Science Note-Taking: The Planets
- Scientific Method Terms
- Simple Machine Review
- Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse
- Solar System Vocabulary
- The Golden Eagle
- The Outer Planets
- The Wild Boar
- Volcano Vocabulary
- Water Cycle
- Weather or Climate?
- Bed Bugs
- Bird Adaptations
- Body Systems
- Cell Structure
- Conifer Life Cycle
- Earth's Rotation and Revolution
- Electrons
- Estimating Mass
- Forms of Energy
- Guess the Substance
- Intestines
- Laboratory Equipment
- Lakes
- Levers
- Light
- Lungs
- One-Way Ticket to Mars (Reading Passage)
- Physical vs. Chemical Change
- Rock Classification - Activity
- Science Note-Taking: The Planets
- Scientific Inferences and Observations
- Sedimentary Rocks
- Simple Machines Vocabulary
- Solar System Objects
- The Earth's Water Cycle
- The Inner Planets
- The Sun
- Types of Energy
- Volcanoes
- Weather Fronts
- What Element Am I? - Activity