Back-to-School Time! (Grade 3)

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Back-to-School Time!

Instructions: Read the paragraph. Use the paragraph to answer the questions.

Clock 07:00 It’s the first day of school! Gil doesn’t want to be late. His alarm buzzes at 7:00 a.m. and he jumps out of bed. It takes him 10 minutes to dress in his new school clothes. He is very hungry for breakfast now! First, Gil makes and eats his breakfast. Next, he brushes his teeth. Then, he checks the clock. It reads 7:30.

“I better hurry,” says Gil. “The bus comes in 15 minutes!”

Back To School - School Bus - SmallGil puts his lunchbox and school supplies in his backpack. Then, he walks to the bus stop with his father. They get to the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus should arrive. Gil is happy to see his friends at the bus stop! The bus comes right on time. Gil gets on the bus and rides off to his first day of school!

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