Analyzing Point of View (Grade 4)
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Analyzing Point of View
A story can be written in 1st, 2nd or 3rd person point of view. It can also be written from the point of view of a particular character. Knowing who is telling the story can help you understand the story better.
Use the following story to answer the first four questions on the worksheet.
Cayden's Rock Collection
Cayden cried with heartbreaking sobs. Those who heard him thought that the world must be ending. To a seven-year-old, the loss of his newly acquired rock collection was the end of the world. Cayden had spent his time at the lake looking for rocks. He waded in the water and dug the rocks out of the sand. The determined boy explored the beach and around the trees for hidden rocks. He spelled his name out of the rocks in big letters next to his beach towel. The seven-year-old was proud of his mostly brown rocks. When it was time to leave, his mom told him to pick a few to bring home. Cayden protested, "Mom, I have to bring them all home! It's my collection. I need all of them to spell my name."
"We have rocks at home, Buddy. You can use those rocks to spell your name," Mom coaxed.
"I want these rocks. I found them. They're mine." Cayden argued.
"You may only take 10 of them. Now choose the ones you want the most." Mom laid down the law.
"No, I can't choose! I want them all." Cayden stubbornly defied the law.
"That is it! I will choose for you. The rest are staying here." Mom enforced the law.
He could not contain his emotions; they burst out of him like a hurricane. His wails bent the trees. His tears soaked the ground. Mom was a solid wall, unaffected. She placed 10 of the rocks in a bag, lifted her son into the car, and calmly drove towards home. When the hurricane subsided, she looked into the rear-view mirror and saw an exhausted, sleeping boy.