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Three Types of Rocks (Grade 5)

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Three Types of Rocks

Instructions: Read the information about each of the three types of rocks. Then, complete each statement and answer the questions.

Sedimentary RockIgneous RockMetamorphic Rock
Rock - Sedimentary - Conglomerate
Rock - Igneous - Basalt
Rock - Metamorphic - GneissGneiss
Sedimentary rocks form from silt, sand, rock pieces, and even plant and animal remains. These particles, or sediment, get compacted and cemented together into a rock. Sedimentary rocks can also form when minerals in water crystallize. Sedimentary rocks are the most common types of rocks found on the earth's surface where water and wind create pieces of sediment. Often, they form as layers of rock when younger sediment forms on top of older sediment.Igneous rocks form when molten earth material cools and hardens. Magma deep within the earth can slowly cool over millions of years. During this time, mineral crystals grow large and form igneous rocks. Lava on the earth's surface can also cool and form igneous rocks. Lava cools quickly, so these rocks usually have small or no mineral crystals. Most of the earth's crust is made of igneous rocks.Metamorphic rocks form from heat and pressure. Bury a preexisting rock deep enough in the earth and it will change into a metamorphic rock. Faulting from movement of tectonic plates can change rocks into metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary, igneous, and even metamorphic rocks can change into metamorphic rocks. But, if they melt, they will not form metamorphic rocks. They will form igneous rocks instead!

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