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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) World Religions Questions

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Grade 6 Buddhism
Buddhism originated in what country?
  1. China
  2. India
  3. Japan
  4. Russia
Grade 6 Christianity
Wha are the Ten Commandments?
  1. rules about how to pray
  2. rules about how to treat God and fellow humans
  3. laws about what foods Jews can and cannot eat
  4. suggestions about how to live a happy life
Grade 6 Christianity
Grade 6 World Religions
Much of the Talmud was compiled in which city?
  1. Cairo
  2. Nineveh
  3. Babylon
  4. Alexandria
Grade 6 Buddhism
How does one end the continual cycle of rebirth, according to Buddhism?
  1. By reaching Nirvana.
  2. By following the teachings of the Vedas.
  3. By Karma.
  4. By being part of the caste system.
Grade 6 Islam
Like Judaism, Islam is a                 religion.
  1. polytheistic
  2. monotheistic
  3. atheist
  4. polygamist
Grade 6 World Religions
What does polytheistic mean?
  1. belief in one god
  2. belief in no gods
  3. belief in many gods
  4. belief all gods
Grade 6 Judaism
When Moses was born he was a:
  1. Muslim
  2. Hebrew slave
  3. Pharoah
  4. Prince
Grade 6 World Religions
Shinto is what type of religion?
  1. anamistic
  2. neopagan
  3. shamanistic
  4. monotheistic
Grade 6 World Religions
Grade 6 World Religions
The Yata no Kagami mirror is said to be located at which shrine?
  1. Hokkaido Shrine
  2. Ise Grand Shrine
  3. Kumano Shrines
  4. Three Palace Sanctuaries
Grade 6 World Religions
Shinto places of worship are called what?
  1. churches
  2. temples
  3. shrines
  4. altars
Grade 6 World Religions
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