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Second Grade (Grade 2) Number Types Questions

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Grade 2 Number Types
Write the word from the list that describes the place of each winter item.


Winter - Tree - Small Winter - Skates - Small Winter - Gloves - Small Winter - Hat - Small Winter - Sled - Small Winter - Ski - Small Winter - Snowman - Small

a) The Winter - Ski - Small are in the                sixth                 place.
b) The Winter - Gloves - Small are in the                third                 place.
c) The Winter - Sled - Small is in the                fifth                 place.
d) The Winter - Hat - Small is in the                fourth                 place.
e) The Winter - Snowman - Small is in the                seventh                 place.
f) The Winter - Skates - Small are in the                second                 place.
g) The Winter - Tree - Small is in the                first                 place.
Grade 2 Number Types
Look at the pictures. Which one is the fifth from the right?

  1. Carrot
  2. Lemon
  3. Orange
  4. Pear
Grade 2 Number Types CCSS: 2.NBT.A.4
Choose the symbol that makes the comparison true.
143                 143
  1. >
  2. <
  3. =
Grade 2 Number Types
What is the sixteenth letter in the English Alphabet?
  1. N
  2. O
  3. P
  4. Q
Grade 2 Number Types
The turkey is                .
Fall - CornThanksgiving - TurkeyFall - Pumkin
  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
Grade 2 Number Types
The corn is                .
Thanksgiving - TurkeyFall - PumkinFall - Corn
  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
Grade 2 Number Types
Which is first?
Thanksgiving - Pilgrim HatFall - HarvestThanksgiving - Pumkin Pie
  1. hat
  2. pie
  3. basket
Grade 2 Number Types
The pumpkin is                .
Fall - PumkinFall - CornThanksgiving - Turkey
  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
Grade 2 Number Types
Which is third?
Fall - HarvestThanksgiving - TurkeyFall - Corn
  1. corn
  2. turkey
  3. basket
Grade 2 Number Types
Which is second?
Thanksgiving - Pilgrim HatThanksgiving - Pumkin PieFall - Harvest
  1. hat
  2. pie
  3. basket
Grade 2 Number Types
Which is third?
Thanksgiving - Pumkin PieThanksgiving - Pilgrim HatFall - Harvest
  1. hat
  2. pie
  3. basket