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Second Grade (Grade 2) Vowel Sounds Questions

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Grade 2 R-controlled Vowels
What is the                 of the baseball game?
  1. shore
  2. store
  3. sore
  4. score
Grade 2 R-controlled Vowels
The                 on my dad's car scared me!
  1. harm
  2. horse
  3. horn
  4. harp
Grade 2 R-controlled Vowels
I threw the apple                 in the trash.
  1. corn
  2. core
  3. cart
  4. care
Grade 2 R-controlled Vowels
Frank would like                 grapes at snack time.
  1. mart
  2. mark
  3. morning
  4. more
Grade 2 Long Vowels
Fred will                 his baseball glove in the backseat of the car.
  1. fynd
  2. fiend
  3. fighnd
  4. find
Grade 2 Long Vowels
I looked outside and saw a                 snow falling down.
  1. light
  2. lite
  3. liet
  4. lyt
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds
Which word has the same vowel sound as hope?
  1. bug
  2. tote
  3. cake
  4. bike
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds CCSS: RF.2.3, RF.2.3a
Which word has the short i sound?
  1. like
  2. visit
  3. smile
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds
Which word has the same sound as oo found in took?
  1. zoo
  2. room
  3. shoot
  4. good
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds
The woman planted a seed in her garden.
Which word has the same sound as the "ee" in seed?
  1. bed
  2. said
  3. bead
  4. sad
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds
Which word BEST completes the sentence below?

The                 chugged on down the tracks.
  1. train
  2. trayn
  3. trane
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds
Which word has the SAME vowel sound as the word me?
  1. vote
  2. Pete
  3. dress
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds
Which word has the long i sound?
  1. bit
  2. bid
  3. big
  4. bite
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds
We had eggs and                 for breakfast.
  1. toast
  2. toad
  3. told
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds
Pat learns how to                 on his back during swimming lessons.
  1. flow
  2. flat
  3. float
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds CCSS: RF.2.3, RF.2.3a
Which word has the short u sound?
  1. moon
  2. computer
  3. summer
  4. clue
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds CCSS: RF.2.3, RF.2.3a
Which word has the short o sound?
  1. school
  2. oak
  3. pocket
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds
My little sister loves to                 bubbles.
  1. blow
  2. brag
  3. blast
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds
Which word has the SAME vowel sound as the word rule?
  1. tube
  2. roll
  3. run
Grade 2 Vowel Sounds CCSS: RF.2.3, RF.2.3a
What word has the short e sound?
  1. beat
  2. head
  3. bed
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