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Third Grade (Grade 3) US Geography Questions

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Grade 3 US Geography
What is New York's nickname?
  1. The Empire State
  2. The Granite State
  3. The Apple State
Grade 3 US Geography
What is Pennsylvania's nickname?
  1. The Buckeye State
  2. The Vounteer State
  3. The Keystone State
Grade 3 US Geography
What is Virginia's nickname?
  1. The First State
  2. The Empire State
  3. The Old Dominion State
Grade 3 US Geography
Rhode Island is the smallest state by land area.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 US Geography
What is the largest state in the United States by land area?
  1. Texas
  2. Alaska
  3. California
Grade 3 US Geography
What is Texas' nickname?
  1. Big Sky State
  2. Lone Star State
  3. Panhandle State
  4. Old Dominion State
Grade 3 US Geography
Which state shares a border with Canada but no other U.S. state?
  1. Maine
  2. Alaska
  3. North Dakota
Grade 3 US Geography
The Mississippi River is the widest river in the United States.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 US Geography
The United States borders all of the Great Lakes.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 US Geography
Which US region is the largest?
  1. West
  2. Northeast
  3. Southeast
  4. Southwest
Grade 3 US Geography
I live in the country of the                              [United States of America]                             
Grade 3 US Geography
The state of Florida is what kind of landform?
  1. Mountain range
  2. Peninsula
  3. Hill
  4. Island
Grade 3 US Geography
Which US region is smallest?
  1. Southeast
  2. Northeast
  3. Midwest
  4. Southwest
Grade 3 US Geography
What type of tree gives Ohio its nickname?
  1. elm
  2. hickory
  3. buckeye
  4. paw-paw
Grade 3 US Geography
The Continental Divide follows the Mississippi River.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 US Geography
New Jersey's nickname is the "         Garden                         State".
Grade 3 US Geography
What is the longest mountain range in the United States?
  1. Andes
  2. Rockies
  3. Appalachians
Grade 3 US Geography
Which landform makes it possible for people in the Western region to enjoy snow skiing?
  1. plateau
  2. desert
  3. mountain
  4. cayon
Grade 3 US Geography
Georgia is nicknamed the "Peach State".
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 US Geography
Wyoming is nicknamed the "Equality State" because it was the first state to give women the right to vote.
  1. True
  2. False
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