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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Themes of Geography Questions

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Grade 6 Themes of Geography

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How do you calculate population density?
  1. Add the number of people to its land area.
  2. Divide the number of people by its land area.
  3. Multiply the number of people per square mile by its land area.
  4. Divide the number of people by the number of its dwellings.
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
What kinds of plant is best adapted to an arid climate?
  1. cacti
  2. mosses
  3. pine trees
  4. tall grasses
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Latitude and longitude lines help geographers identify
  1. absolute location.
  2. the depths of oceans.
  3. the Earth's distance from the sun.
  4. the heights of mountains.
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Which theme would geographers use to study the consequences of people's actions?
  1. Projection
  2. Location
  3. Movement
  4. Human Environment Interaction
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
All of these are themes of geography except
  1. location
  2. movement
  3. environment
  4. regions
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
How would you describe the human features of a place?
  1. You might discuss the moon and stars and how they interact with Earth.
  2. You might say that a place is hilly and hot or cold.
  3. You might discuss how many people live there, what types of work they do, and what they do for fun.
  4. You would discuss chemicals and chemical reactions.
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
What does Human Environment Interaction mean?
  1. What the environment does to humans
  2. What humans do to the environment
  3. How humans and the environment are dependant on each other
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Movement is how:
  1. places change
  2. people move
  3. people, ideas, and stuff travels from place to place
  4. All of the above
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Select all that represent Physical Characteristics of Geography
  1. Religion
  2. Buildings
  3. Landforms
  4. Language
  5. Bodies of Water
  6. Land cover
  7. Climate
  8. History
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
What are the two types of locations used in geography?
  1. up and down
  2. absolute and relative
  3. directions and coordinates
  4. maps and globes
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
This is the study of landforms, climate, plants and animals of an area.
  1. geography
  2. physical geography
  3. cultural geography
  4. human-environment interaction
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
Select any of the following that represent Human Characteristics of Geography
  1. Religion
  2. Buildings
  3. Landforms
  4. Language
  5. Bodies of Water
  6. Land cover
  7. Climate
  8. History
Grade 6 Themes of Geography
This is a group of places that have common physical and cultural traits.
  1. human-environment interaction
  2. place
  3. region
  4. movement
  5. location
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