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The Skin I'm In - Young Adult Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 8 The Skin I'm In
Ms. Saunders felt like she always had to do everything better than everyone else because                                                                                 
  1. she was highly competitive.
  2. she wasn't sure why, she just wanted to be better.
  3. she was never good at anything growing up.
  4. she looked different and felt that people would not accept her for who she was.
Grade 8 The Skin I'm In
Grade 8 The Skin I'm In
In exchange for                        Maleeka did Char's homework.
  1. lunch money.
  2. cooler clothes.
  3. a dog.
  4. a date with a cute boy.
Grade 8 The Skin I'm In
When John John gets beat up in the street Maleeka                                                                    
  1. laughs and walks away.
  2. feels bad but figures John John is getting what he deserves.
  3. helps him out by grabbing a switch and beating the boys off of him.
  4. does nothing because she sent these boys to beat him up.
Grade 8 The Skin I'm In
Grade 7 The Skin I'm In
Which of the following things did not happen when the girls broke into Ms. Saunder's classroom?
  1. 'they stole her watch
  2. they tore up her pillows
  3. they light some money on fire
  4. they stole her car keys
Grade 8 The Skin I'm In
What does Maleeka end up doing to one of the boys who corner her in the alley that makes them let her go?
  1. she kicks him in the leg.
  2. she bites him.
  3. she hits him in the face.
  4. she strangles him.
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