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The Pigman - Young Adult Literature - Questions for Tests and Worksheets

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Grade 8 The Pigman
Which does NOT describe Lorraine's mother?
  1. steals food and money from clients
  2. alcoholic
  3. angry because her husband left her
  4. doesn't seem to value school
Grade 8 The Pigman
The thing that bothers John most about his home is:
  1. his parents make no effort to fix it up.
  2. that the house is too neat and orderly.
  3. that his father drinks too much.
  4. that his mother watches his every move.
Grade 6 The Pigman
Grade 8 The Pigman
Why did John lie to Dennis and Norton about the phone call to Mr. Pignati?
  1. He thought Dennis and Norton would make fun of him.
  2. He was embarrassed that Lorraine had talked longer than he ever had.
  3. He didn't want to give away his secrets of success.
  4. He didn't want them to take advantage of the old man.
Grade 8 The Pigman
How does the reception John and Lorraine receive at Mr. Pignati's house contrast with how they are treated at home?
  1. Mr. Pignati is rude to them and makes them feel uncomfortable.
  2. Mr. Pignati is pleased to entertain them and to have their company.
  3. They get attention from him that they don't get at home.
  4. Both b and c
Grade 8 The Pigman
How did Lorraine and John first meet Mr. Pignati?
  1. on a trip to the zoo.
  2. He was one of Lorraine's mother's patients.
  3. He gave a talk at their school.
  4. Lorraine called him during a telephone marathon.
Grade 8 The Pigman
Why do the kids go to Masterson's Tomb?
  1. They hang out and drink beer there.
  2. Norton bet them $10 each they wouldn't do it.
  3. It was part of the initiation into their club.
  4. They were looking for buried treasure.
Grade 8 The Pigman
Lorraine's mother frequently:
  1. drinks too excessively.
  2. telephones the school to check on her.
  3. embarrasses Lorraine whenever she brings a boyfriend home.
  4. tells her she is not a pretty girl.
Grade 8 The Pigman
What did John and Lorraine's guilt prompt them to do?
  1. Clean Mr. Pignati's house thoroughly.
  2. Tell the truth about not being charity workers.
  3. Stop seeing Mr. Pignati.
  4. Give back the money.
Grade 8 The Pigman
What happened when Norton arrived at the party?
  1. John hit him and threw him out.
  2. Lorraine introduced him to one of her girlfriends.
  3. He stayed on his best behavior.
  4. He stole the oscilloscope and broke up the pigs.
Grade 8 The Pigman
Why was Mr. Pignati so sad that Sunday night in January?
  1. He thought John and Lorraine didn't want to be his friends anymore.
  2. He knew he was too old to live by himself and would have to move to a retirement community.
  3. He realized that Bobo was getting old. It was also his anniversary, and he missed his wife.
  4. He wanted to go to California to see his sister, but she didn't want to see him.
Grade 8 The Pigman
John's ambition is:
  1. to earn a great deal of money by the age of thirty and then retire and spend the rest of his life doing exactly as he pleases.
  2. to be an actor.
  3. to be a district attorney and prosecute his father.
  4. to sail around the world, by himself, in a sailboat.
Grade 8 The Pigman
What is John's insight about responsibility and life at the end of the novel?
  1. Humans are no better than Baboons.
  2. Life is what you make of it, nothing more, nothing less.
  3. John wants to be an actor when he grows up.
  4. He is in love with Lorraine.
Grade 8 The Pigman
What was John in trouble for at home?
  1. Drinking and smoking
  2. Cussing
  3. Gluing the lock on the phone
  4. Blowing up the bathroom
Grade 8 The Pigman
What did Mr. Pignati do to lengthen John and Lorraine's first visit?
  1. He played the guitar for them.
  2. He offered to pay them to stay and do some jobs around the house.
  3. He did a memory trick, invited them to go to the zoo, and showed them his pig collection.
  4. He took them for a ride in his new car. Then he let each of them drive it.
Grade 8 The Pigman
"Lorraine remembers the big words, and I remember the action." What does this quote mean?
  1. It shows that Lorraine is smarter than John
  2. It points out the main differences in their personalities
  3. It shows the differences between girls and boys
  4. It shows that John doesn't understand big words
Grade 8 The Pigman
How would Lorraine best be described?
  1. destructive, violent, but very sweet
  2. shy, conforming, kind of plain looking
  3. a real party girl that looks like a tall, buxom basketball player
  4. stuck-up, pretty, really wild
Grade 8 The Pigman
What was John's favorite prank to pull on the substitute teacher?
  1. Fruit Roll
  2. Bathroom Bomb
  3. Wet Wiggler
  4. Jello Jiggler
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