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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) The Moon Questions

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Grade 7 The Moon
The phase of the Moon you see depends on                                                    .
  1. where you are on Earth's surface
  2. how much of the sunlit side of the Moon faces Earth
  3. how much of the Moon's surface is lit by the Sun
  4. whether or not an eclipse is occurring
Grade 7 The Moon
When are tides highest?
  1. during the Moon's first quarter phase
  2. when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are nearly in a line
  3. during the Moon's third quarter
  4. when the Moon is at a right angle to the Sun
Grade 7 The Moon
What do you call the mountains on the Moon's surface?
  1. Maria
  2. Crater
  3. Highlands
  4. Umbra
  5. Penumbra
Grade 7 The Moon
What happens when the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun?
  1. Annular eclipse
  2. Hybrid eclipse
  3. Lunar eclipse
  4. Solar eclipse
Grade 7 The Moon
Flat areas of the Moon's surface
  1. Maria
  2. Crater
  3. Highlands
  4. Umbra
  5. Penumbra
Grade 7 The Moon
A solar eclipse can only occur during a which lunar phase?
  1. Waxing crescent
  2. New moon
  3. Waning gibbous
  4. First or third quarter
Grade 7 The Moon
Grade 7 The Moon
In what particular phase the Moon is during a solar eclipse?
  1. Full Moon
  2. Gibbous Moon
  3. New Moon
  4. Quarter Moon
Grade 7 The Moon
Grade 7 The Moon
What type of eclipse happens when the Moon passes through the Earth’s penumbra making the Moon look black?
  1. Annular solar eclipse
  2. Partial lunar eclipse
  3. Penumbral lunar eclipse
  4. Total lunar eclipse
Grade 7 The Moon
During what phase can a lunar eclipse occur?
  1. new moon
  2. first quarter
  3. waxing gibbous
  4. full moon
Grade 7 The Moon
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