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Fourth Grade (Grade 4) Sun Questions

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Grade 4 Sun
The Sun is highest in the sky. Daytime is the longest. Which season am I?
  1. Fall
  2. Winter
  3. Spring
  4. Summer
Grade 4 Sun
Which of the following objects is capable of producing its own natural light?
  1. the Sun
  2. our Moon
  3. Earth
  4. a planet
Grade 4 Sun
Our closest star, which provides light and heat, is
  1. Mars.
  2. Earth.
  3. the Moon.
  4. the Sun.
Grade 4 Sun
The object in our solar system with the strongest gravitational pull is
  1. Jupiter.
  2. the Sun.
  3. Earth.
  4. the Moon.
Grade 4 Sun
There are many stars larger than our Sun. Why does the Sun appear to be larger than all the other stars?
  1. The Sun is the hottest star.
  2. The Sun is the brightest star.
  3. The Sun is closer to Earth than other stars.
  4. The Sun is the only star in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Grade 4 Sun
Why do the Sun and Moon appear to be the same size?
  1. The Moon reflects the sunlight, making it appear larger.
  2. Earth is tilted away from the Sun.
  3. The Sun and Moon are about the same size.
  4. The Sun is farther away from Earth than the Moon is.
Grade 4 Sun
What provides most of the heat and light to our solar system?
  1. the comet Hale-Bopp
  2. asteroids
  3. the Sun
  4. Jupiter
Grade 4 Sun
The Sun provides                 of the energy to the solar system.
  1. most
  2. little
  3. none
  4. some
Grade 4 Sun
Which detail is true of the Sun?
  1. It's a ball of hydrogen and helium.
  2. It's a ball of oxygen and hydrogen.
  3. It's a ball of helium and phosphorus.
  4. It's a ball of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Grade 4 Sun
Which statement does NOT describe the Sun?
  1. The Sun is an average size star.
  2. The Sun is about 110 times the diameter of Earth.
  3. The Sun is approximately 4.6 billion years old.
  4. The Sun has a solid surface.
Grade 4 Sun
The Sun has a solid surface.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Sun
The Sun is made up of what?
  1. plasma
  2. lava
  3. plastic
  4. fire
Grade 4 Sun
The Sun is responsible for                 percent of the total solar system mass.
  1. 99.86
  2. 100
  3. 50
  4. 25
Grade 4 Sun
The Sun is made of plasma.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 4 Sun
The Sun looks like a glowing        ball        of fire.
Grade 4 Sun
The sun is primarily made up of what?
  1. Gas
  2. Lava
  3. Molten Rock
  4. Rock
Grade 4 Sun
          The Sun           is the most massive object in our solar system and is about        99.8       % of the total mass.
Grade 4 Sun
Explain/describe what you think would happen if our star died.