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Study Skills and Strategies Questions - All Grades

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Grade 8 Study Skills and Strategies
What type of question is an essay?
  1. Objective
  2. Subjective
Grade 12 Study Skills and Strategies
Growth mindset is
  1. the perception that standing up for your beliefs earns respect from others
  2. an understanding that earned knowledge equals lasting knowledge
  3. a fixed mindset that we are born with an unchangeable level of talent and intelligence
  4. the perception that talent and intelligence can develop with effort
Grade 6 Study Skills and Strategies
Grade 9 Study Skills and Strategies
All of the following responses are a part of the multiple choice test taking strategies except:
  1. Find key words and underline them
  2. Read the passage
  3. Read questions and answer choices
  4. Use details from the story in your response
Grade 6 Study Skills and Strategies
Why is note taking important? Select all that apply.
  1. It makes studying easier.
  2. It helps you summarize large texts.
  3. It helps you stay organized.
  4. It is time consuming.
Grade 8 Study Skills and Strategies
Continuing Education Study Skills and Strategies
Grade 6 Study Skills and Strategies
Grade 12 Study Skills and Strategies
Which one is not a step in the four part model of critical thinking?
  1. Decision Making
  2. Defining the question
  3. Thinking about your thinking
  4. Problem Solving
  5. Reasoning
Grade 9 Study Skills and Strategies
How can you prepare to do well on a test?
  1. Organize your notes according to what will be on the test
  2. Find out ahead of time what material the test covers
  3. Do your homework
  4. All of the above
Grade 12 Study Skills and Strategies
Analyzing arguments, assessing assumptions, and considering claims occur in which part of critical thinking?
  1. Thinking about your thinking
  2. Problem Solving
  3. Decision Making
  4. Reasoning
Grade 9 Study Skills and Strategies
When is the best time to study for a test?
  1. the night before
  2. the class period before the test
  3. throughout the unit
  4. 3 days before the test for 3 hours each night
Grade 9 Study Skills and Strategies
During reading you should
  1. Skim over the material
  2. Memorize everything
  3. Read to understand, not to memorize
  4. Read as much as you can as quickly as you can
Grade 8 Study Skills and Strategies
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