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Sixth Grade (Grade 6) Space Exploration Questions

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Grade 6 Space Exploration
Telescopes that bend light to make objects seem larger are                      .
  1. refracting telescopes
  2. reflecting telescopes
  3. radio telescopes
  4. spectroscopes
Grade 6 Space Exploration
Space probes, unlike satellites, are able to                               .
  1. gather data
  2. travel out of the solar system
  3. go into orbit
  4. be retrieved
Grade 6 Space Exploration
Grade 6 Space Exploration
ISS is the abbreviation for which of the following?
  1. Internal Space Station
  2. International Space Station
  3. Inverted Space Station
  4. Industrial Space Service
Grade 6 Space Exploration
How are satellites used?
  1. to gather military information
  2. to transmit television signals
  3. to monitor weather
  4. all of the above
Grade 6 Space Exploration
A modern application for a satellite is for
  1. gathering scientific data.
  2. gathering pictures of Earth's surface.
  3. transmitting radio and television signals.
  4. all answers are correct
Grade 6 Space Exploration
Which U.S. project was the first to land a human on the Moon?
  1. Project Surveyor
  2. Project Apollo
  3. Project Gemini
  4. Project Mercury
Grade 6 Space Exploration
Grade 6 Space Exploration
Which U.S. project was the first to land a human on the Moon?
  1. Project Apollo
  2. Project Mercury
  3. Project Gemini
  4. Project Surveyor
Grade 6 Space Exploration
What spacecraft passed by Neptune in 1989?
  1. Viking 1
  2. Viking 2
  3. Voyager 1
  4. Voyager 2
Grade 6 Space Exploration
Grade 6 Space Exploration
What is the advantage of space telescopes?
  1. They use mirrors
  2. They collect radio waves
  3. They are linked together with a computer
  4. They avoid Earth's atmosphere
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