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Twelfth Grade (Grade 12) Solar System Questions

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Grade 12 Sun
What happens during nuclear fusion?
  1. Hydrogen and oxygen join to create water
  2. Hydrogen atoms join to create helium
  3. Oxygen is formed in the Sun
  4. Solar flares are produced in the Sun
Grade 12 Sun
Which of the following characterizes solar flares?
  1. Eruptions in the Sun
  2. Holes present in the Sun
  3. Mountains present in the Sun
  4. Waves in the Sun
Grade 12 Sun
What do you call the middle layer in the Sun's atmosphere?
  1. Chromosphere
  2. Corona
  3. Solar wind
  4. Sunspots
Grade 12 Sun
What are the three layers in the Sun's interior?
  1. Convection Zone, Radiation Zone and the Core
  2. Convection Zone, Corona and the Core
  3. The Core, Photosphere and Radiation Zone
  4. Chromosphere, Corona and the Core
Grade 12 Sun
The solar wind is made of                               .
  1. electrically charged particles
  2. gaseous materials
  3. solar flares
  4. sunspots
Grade 12 Planetary Motion
Which of the following relationships is being described in Kepler's third law of planetary motion?
  1. Shape of orbit and location of the Sun
  2. Orbital velocity and position in orbit
  3. Distance from the Sun and length of year
  4. Path of epicycle and position of the planets
Grade 12 Planetary Motion
Grade 12 Sun
What is the hottest layer of the Sun?
  1. Convection Zone
  2. Core
  3. Corona
  4. Radiation Zone
Grade 12 Sun
The middle layer of the Sun is called                .
  1. Convection Zone
  2. The Core
  3. The Corona
  4. Radiation Zone
Grade 12 Planetary Motion
Term used to describe the shape of Earth's orbit around the Sun.
  1. obliquity
  2. eccentricity
  3. equinox variant
  4. linear degradation
  5. linear orbit
Grade 12 Planetary Motion
What is unusual about the orbits of Neptune and Pluto?
  1. Pluto is sometimes nearer the Sun than is Neptune.
  2. They occasionally have near collisions.
  3. Their years have the same length.
  4. They are always on opposite sides of the Sun from each other.
Grade 12 Planetary Motion
Grade 12 Sun
Grade 12 Sun
Where is the energy being produced in the Sun?
  1. Convection Zone
  2. Core
  3. Corona
  4. Radiation Zone
Grade 12 Sun
The Sun is mostly made out of what?
  1. helium
  2. hydrogen
  3. ron
  4. water
Grade 12 Planetary Motion
Consider a moon that orbits one of the most distant planets in an elliptical path. The distance that the moon covers each day is what?
  1. greatest when closest to the planet
  2. the same in any planet
  3. greatest when farthest from the planet
  4. one cannot verify at this point
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