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Second Grade (Grade 2) Social Studies Questions

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Grade 2 Geography
A very dry land region (almost rainless).
  1. beach
  2. desert
  3. cave
  4. continents
Grade 2 Map Components
The capital of a state on a map is marked with a               .
  1. Square.
  2. Triangle.
  3. Rhombus.
  4. Star.
Grade 2 Economics
Things that people make or grow and sell are called
  1. maps
  2. newspapers
  3. goods
Grade 2 The Presidents
Who was the first president of the United States?
  1. George Washington
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. Adam Smith
Grade 2 Economics
Name three kinds of transportation that move goods?
  1. Trucks, balloons, planes
  2. ships, cars, buses
  3. kites, trains, ships
Grade 2 Map Components
A Drawing that shows how a place looks from above is called a
  1. toy
  2. map
  3. ocean
Grade 2 Executive Branch
The leader of a state's government is also known as the
  1. President
  2. Congress
  3. Governor
  4. Supreme Court
Grade 2 Geography
A                 is a large body of land.
  1. country
  2. coast
  3. region
  4. continent
Grade 2 Executive Branch
How long can a president stay in office?
  1. 1 year
  2. 8 years
  3. As long as the people vote for him
  4. His whole life
Grade 2 Bodies of Water and Continents
The main large land areas on Earth surrounded by water.
  1. canyon
  2. desert
  3. beach
  4. continents
Grade 2 Themes of Geography
Location tells where something can be found.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 Economics

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Sending things to another country is called                .
  1. Barter
  2. Trade
  3. Export
  4. Import
Grade 2 Social Studies
Good citizens treat others                          .
  1. with respect and kindness
  2. unkindly
  3. unfairly
Grade 2 US Laws and Amendments
The Constitution is
  1. the written plan that our government must follow
  2. a good book
  3. an old paper written by Christopher Columbus
  4. a new law
Grade 2 Bodies of Water and Continents
What is the smallest continent?
  1. Europe
  2. Australia
  3. North America
  4. Africa
Grade 2 Economics
Labor is                                  .
  1. something someone does for money.
  2. something someone does for fun.
  3. a thing you can touch.
  4. whether the cost is worth it.
Grade 2 Bodies of Water and Continents
A political border between two counties might not be visible on the landscape.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 2 US Government
Which bird is a symbol of the United States?
  1. turkey
  2. dove
  3. bald eagle
Grade 2 North American Geography
What is the country south of the United States?
  1. Canada
  2. Mexico
  3. Alaska
Grade 2 Judicial Branch
How many judges does the Supreme Court have?
  1. Ten
  2. Four
  3. Nine
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