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Graduate Social Sciences Questions

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Graduate Psychology
Cognitive distortions, bizarre mannerisms, and eccentric appearance are characteristics of                                          
  1. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  2. Antisocial Personality Disorder
  3. Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
  4. Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Graduate Criminal Justice
What is risk assessment?
  1. Measurement of potential loss or damage
  2. Event which produces a measurable loss
  3. More ways to occur equals the likeihood it will occur
  4. When the loss impact is measured in assets and income
Graduate Psychology
Which of the following statements are true?
  1. Schizoids do not secretly wish to be more socially outgoing
  2. Schizotypal personalities are characterized by odd forms of thought, perception and beliefs
  3. Paranoid Personality Disorder is a disorder characterized by an extreme level of distrust and suspiciousness of others
  4. All of the above
Graduate Sociology
Which is a TRUE statement as applied to Chaos Theory?
  1. Orderly structures and immutable laws operate to maintain order.
  2. Our presence in the environment does not alter it.
  3. The universe operates predictably.
  4. Order is chaos in nature.
Graduate Psychology
Which of the following do NOT belong in the Cluster A group?
  1. Paranoid
  2. Schizoid
  3. Schizotypal
  4. Histrionic
Graduate Psychology
Which of the following does NOT meet the symptomology for Boarderline Personality Disorder?
  1. Mood swings
  2. Depressed mood
  3. Difficulty controlling happiness
  4. Impulsivity
Graduate Psychology
               personality disorder is a condition in which a person makes impulsive actions, and has an unstable mood and chaotic relationships.
  1. Narcissistic
  2. Histrionic
  3. Borderline
  4. Antisocial
Graduate Psychology
Ramona is a client who has been referred to you by her employer. She has a difficult time getting along with others due to high levels of distrust and suspiciousness. Ramona reports that her family often labels her as "combative", "distrustful", and "pessimistic". When asked about her friendships, Ramona informs you that she does not have friends. Ramona is most likely                 Personality Disorder.
  1. Schizoid
  2. Paranoid
  3. Bipolar
  4. Mean
Graduate Psychology
People with this personality disorder are loners and show little interest in developing close relationships                              
  1. Schizoid Personality Disorder
  2. Avoidant Personality Disorder
  3. Dependent Personality Disorder
  4. None
Graduate Psychology
People diagnosed in this cluster of Personality Disorders are generally considered odd and have eccentric behaviors                  
  1. Cluster A
  2. Cluster B
  3. Cluster C
  4. None of the above
Graduate Psychology
Boarderline Personality Disorder is defined as: A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by                or more criteria.
  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 5
Graduate Psychology
Cluster                  Personlity Disorders are evidenced by dramatic and erratic behaviors.
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. All of the above
Graduate Sociology
The Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response Model (FAAR) by McCubbin & Patterson (1983)studies the interactions among three types of variables. What are they?
  1. Demand, Capabilities, Meanings
  2. Stressors, Resources, Crisis
  3. Perceptions, Meanings, Suicide
  4. Demand, Buffers, Stability
Graduate Psychology
Which constitutional amendment prohibits the indefinite institutionalization of a mentally ill individual who has committed no crime?
  1. 1st Amendment: free speech
  2. 14th Amendment: due process
  3. 7th Amendment: trial by jury
  4. 11th Amendment: sovereign immunity
Graduate Sociology
Applying the concept of chaos theory to the field of psychological means that psychological theories in the future will be .....
  1. more reductionistic and replicable.
  2. more objective and naturalistic.
  3. more mathematical and linear.
  4. more contextual, subjective, and humanistic.
Graduate Sociology
"You can't unscramble an egg" best describes the theoretical construct of ____
  1. Objectivity.
  2. Irreversibility.
  3. Punctuated Equilibria.
  4. Unpredictability.
Graduate Sociology
Which is NOT a key characteristic to chaos or chaotic systems?
  1. Initial differences result in errors that grow exponentially over time.
  2. The system is complex, appears random, and is unpredictabgle.
  3. The system is intrinsically orderly, stable, and equilibrial.
  4. The system is in an essential state for transformation.
Graduate Sociology
Which of the following is not a metaphor for the concept of "strange attractor?"
  1. A bowl of spaghetti
  2. The sound of an automobile engine
  3. The burst of fireworks in the night sky
  4. Smoke rising from a cigarette
Graduate Sociology
What is the greatest limitation to establishing a workable theory for family therapy?
  1. Obtaining enough large data sets
  2. Sampling large numbers of data from a single subject design
  3. Studying a single patient/therapist interaction
Graduate Sociology
The spontaneous emergence of order out of chaos reflecting the capacity of all living systems to generate their own new forms from inner guidelines.
  1. Point Attractor
  2. Self-Organizing
  3. Butterfly Effect
  4. Period-Doubling Route
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