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Third Grade (Grade 3) Short Stories (Fiction) Questions

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Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)

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What caused Suzy to be upset?
  1. Her friends were mean to her.
  2. She thought she might not be smart.
  3. She had a difficult time making friends.
  4. Her teacher gave her a bad grade on her report card.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
A summary is another way to describe what happened in a story. Which choice summarizes the story?
  1. Four bunnies went into Mr. McGregor's garden and only one came out alive.
  2. Mr. McGregor invited Peter to his garden, but it turned out to be a terrible trick.
  3. Peter's mother told the bunnies the story of when their father went to Mr. McGregor's garden. It did not have a happy ending.
  4. Peter did not listen to his mother and went to Mr. McGregor's garden. He faced some trouble and became very sick.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)

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What does Suzy want to be when she grows up?
  1. a doctor
  2. a teacher
  3. an author
  4. an architect
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)
A simile is a comparison that uses like or as. The narrator used a simile when he compared                            to a car on a roller coaster.
  1. his bed
  2. driving down a hill
  3. the size of Santa's sleigh
  4. the speed of the train
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)
Santa sprang to his sleigh. Another word for sprang is:
  1. danced
  2. jumped
  3. called
  4. slid
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
A summary is another way to describe what happened in a story. Which choice summarizes the story?
  1. Mr. McGregor invited Peter to his garden, but it turned out to be a terrible trick.
  2. Peter's mother told the bunnies the story of when their father went to Mr. McGregor's garden.
  3. Four bunnies went into Mr. McGregor's garden and only one came out alive.
  4. Peter did not listen to his mother and went to Mr. McGregor's garden. He faced some trouble and became very sick.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

Why does Anita feel sad?
  1. She did not have a lot of money.
  2. She got in trouble at home.
  3. Her friend was mean to her.
  4. Her well broke.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

What does Anita want to do when she grows up?
  1. be on television
  2. make a lot of money
  3. make sure everyone has water
  4. be a special kind of doctor
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)

This question is a part of a group with common instructions. View group »

What did Suzy's mom tell her to do?
  1. try her best
  2. make a new friend
  3. go to a new school
  4. hire a special math tutor
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)
What was the house like at the beginning of the poem?
  1. loud
  2. busy
  3. quiet
  4. boring
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.3.1
Peter jumped out of the window to get away from Mr. McGregor. Which detail from the story shows how Peter felt after this?
  1. Peter started to cry.
  2. Peter ignored the cat by the pond.
  3. Peter heard the scritch scratch of a hoe.
  4. Peter turned and stuck out his tongue at Mr. McGregor.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.1, RL.3.1
What did Mr. McGregor do with Peter's jacket and shoes?
  1. He burnt them up.
  2. He to Peter's mother.
  3. He threw them away.
  4. He made a scarecrow.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.2, RL.3.2
A moral is a lesson a story teaches about life. Which choice shows a moral from this story?
  1. Never eat your vegetables
  2. Always listen to your mother
  3. Stay away from large vegetable gardens
  4. Boys who are bad do not get special treats
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.5, RL.3.5
Peter hid in the tool shed, but Mr. McGregor found him. What caused Mr. McGregor to find him?
  1. Peter laughed.
  2. Peter sneezed.
  3. The cat showed him.
  4. The cat meowed at him.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)
The feeling of the poem is:
  1. sad
  2. crazy
  3. joyful
  4. disappointed
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)
How did the speaker feel when he looked out the window?
  1. bored
  2. surprised
  3. annoyed
  4. tired
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.3.3
Mr. McGregor did not like Peter because Peter:
  1. looked very scary.
  2. ate all his vegetables.
  3. owed him some money.
  4. chewed a hole in his sweater.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)
Who is speaking in the poem?
  1. Ma
  2. Pa
  3. Santa
  4. A child
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction)
Santa winked at the speaker in the poem. This showed him that Santa
  1. was someone he should be afraid of.
  2. needed his help delivering presents.
  3. did not know where he was.
  4. was not a scary person.
Grade 3 Short Stories (Fiction) CCSS: CCRA.R.3, RL.3.3
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail were different from Peter. How were they different?
  1. They always cleaned their rooms.
  2. They were good little bunnies.
  3. They never went outside.
  4. They were very sad.
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