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Fifth Grade (Grade 5) Sentence Structure Questions

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Grade 5 Types of Sentences
Teenagers love to help others, and they can be really good workers.
  1. compound
  2. simple
  3. complex
Grade 5 Types of Sentences
Many teenagers work with older people in old age homes.
  1. compound
  2. simple
  3. complex
Grade 5 Types of Sentences

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I am tired of studying for the test, so I am going to take a break.
  1. compound
  2. compound-complex
  3. complex
  4. simple
Grade 5 Phrases and Clauses
The doctor stood beside the patient's bed.

In the sentence above, which word or group of words makes up a prepositional phrase?
  1. stood beside
  2. beside the patient's bed
  3. The doctor stood
  4. beside
Grade 5 Types of Sentences

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The winners were announced from the writing contest, and a girl from our class won!
  1. compound
  2. complex
  3. simple
  4. compound-complex
Grade 5 Types of Sentences
What type of sentence is this?

Did Barnum and Bailey and the Ringling Brothers combine their two circuses?
  1. declarative
  2. imperative
  3. interrogative
  4. exclamatory
Grade 5 Types of Sentences

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Pajama Day is my favorite day of the year.
  1. compound
  2. simple
  3. complex
  4. run-on
Grade 5 Types of Sentences

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Clean up your mess don't leave it for someone else.
  1. fragment
  2. simple
  3. complex
  4. run-on
Grade 5 Phrases and Clauses
What part of the sentence is an appositive?

The book, the hard cover one, is on the table.
  1. The book
  2. on the table
  3. is on the table
  4. the hard cover one
Grade 5 Phrases and Clauses
What part of the sentence is the prepositional phrase?

Under my bed, lies a frightening monster.
  1. Under my bed lies
  2. Under my bed,
  3. lies a frightening monster.
  4. a frightening monster.
Grade 5 Phrases and Clauses
Kelly took the largest slice of pizza.

In the sentence above, which group of words makes up a prepositional phrase?
  1. Kelly took
  2. took the largest slice
  3. of pizza
  4. largest slice of pizza.
Grade 5 Sentence Structure CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.5.1c
Identify the subject and verb in the following sentence:

My voice sounds terrible in the morning.
  1. sounds, terrible
  2. My, voice
  3. voice, sounds
  4. sounds, morning
Grade 5 Sentence Structure
Find the subject in the following sentence.

To a female fly, a male's wing vibrations are a love song.
  1. male's wing
  2. vibrations
  3. love song
  4. female fly
Grade 5 Types of Sentences

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The laundry needs to be dried it is still soaking wet.
  1. simple
  2. complex
  3. run-on
  4. fragment
Grade 5 Sentence Structure CCSS: CCRA.L.1, L.5.1c
Identify the subject and verb in the following sentence:

The best shows on television this week were the ads.
  1. television, ads
  2. best shows, on
  3. shows, were
  4. on, television
  5. shows, this week
Grade 5 Types of Sentences
Whatever you choose to do, volunteering can make you feel good.
  1. compound
  2. simple
  3. complex
Grade 5 Types of Sentences

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Games are fun to play and relaxing to the people playing them.
  1. simple
  2. compound
  3. compound-complex
  4. complex
Grade 5 Types of Sentences
Which is an example of a double negative?
  1. I don't have anything to do today.
  2. She can't ever seem to get her act together.
  3. He was hardly never home.
Grade 5 Sentence Structure
Identify the subject and verb in the following sentence:

The best shows on television this week were the ads.
  1. shows, were
  2. best shows, on
  3. television, this week
  4. on, television
  5. shows, on television
Grade 5 Types of Sentences

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There are lots of lakes to visit in our state, but the beaches offer more fun for the family.
  1. run-on
  2. simple
  3. compound
  4. fragment
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