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Ninth Grade (Grade 9) Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion Questions

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Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
The intestines are the organs primarily responsible for
  1. absorption.
  2. digestion.
  3. elimination.
  4. ingestion.
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Which process occurs in structure M in the diagram?
Digestive System
  1. absorption
  2. digestion
  3. elimination
  4. reproduction
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
What does the respiratory system help to do?
  1. digest food
  2. stop bleeding
  3. fight off lung cancer
  4. move oxygen into the body and blood
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Which best describes the function of the body system in the diagram?
Digestive System
  1. pathogen and disease defense
  2. hormone secretion and body regulation
  3. nutrient absorption and waste excretion
  4. oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
The pharynx is a structure shared by which two body systems?
  1. integumentary and respiratory
  2. respiratory and circulatory
  3. respiratory and digestive
  4. digestive and excretory
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
The kidneys secrete or absorb water to control                .
  1. tonicity
  2. liver function
  3. blood volume
  4. urea production
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Which process occurs primarily by structures A and B in the diagram?
Digestive System
  1. chemical digestion
  2. nutrient absorption
  3. peristaltic movement
  4. mechanical digestion
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
The stomach breaks down
  1. fats.
  2. proteins.
  3. vitamins.
  4. carbohydrates.
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Which process occurs in structure D in the diagram?
Digestive System
  1. chemical digestion
  2. nutrient absorption
  3. peristaltic movement
  4. mechanical digestion
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
What is the trachea?
  1. a large tube through which air is transported to the lungs
  2. a main organ in the respiratory system that a human needs to survive
  3. a network of small tubes that feeds into ventricles
  4. the throat
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
What does the pancreas do?
  1. It cleans the blood as blood flows through the pancreatic tissues.
  2. It absorbs nutrients needed for growth, maintenance, and repair of cells.
  3. It releases the hormones insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream.
  4. It releases enzymes into the small intestine to aid in the digestion of food.
Grade 9 Respiration, Digestion, and Excretion
Enzymes in the saliva begin the digestion of
  1. acids.
  2. fat.
  3. protein.
  4. starch.
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