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College Prenatal and Child Care Questions

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College Prenatal and Child Care
Children who do not receive adequate nutrition are at risk for:
  1. malnutrition
  2. poor intellectual development
  3. poor physical development
  4. all of the above
College Infant Care (1-12 months)
Which description best illustrates proximodistal development in an infant?
  1. Kick and to wave the arms, then learns to grasp the foot and pull it to the mouth
  2. Roll over, then learns to follow an object with the eyes
  3. Walk for several steps, then learns to run
  4. Imitate speech-like sounds, then learns to speak a language
College Prenatal Care
In the fertile period, which body system does the fetus develop?
  1. Nervous System
  2. immune system
  3. digestive system
  4. None of above
College Infant Care (1-12 months)
College Prenatal and Child Care
At 6-8 weeks gestation, what is developed on the unborn fetus?
  1. Pinna (outer ear)
  2. Formation of tympanic cavity and ossicles (middle ear)
  3. Formation of vestibular structures, utricle, saccule (inner ear)
  4. all of the above
College Infant Care (1-12 months)
College Prenatal and Child Care
Smoking poses a significant risk to fetal development. Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the effects of smoking during pregnancy.
  1. Nicotene dilates blood vessels causing increased incidence of bleeding
  2. Infants born to smokers have a highr risk of facial abnormalities and other major organ defects
  3. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of seizures and can result in withdrawal symptoms in infants
  4. Smoking is associated with a higher incidence of still births and low birth weight infants.
College Prenatal Care
How long is the germinal period?
  1. 1 month
  2. 1-2 weeks
  3. 1-8 weeks
  4. 3 months
College Prenatal Care
Which of the following choices lists the trimesters of prenatal development in order?
  1. embryonic, germinal, fertile
  2. fertile, germinal, embryonic
  3. germinal, embryonic, fertile
  4. None of above.
College Prenatal Care
How is the germinal period described?
  1. Immune system fighting against germs
  2. where the infant start to release hormones for labor
  3. the first two weeks after conception which includes rapid cell division and the start of cell differentiation.
  4. None of above
College Prenatal Care
When does the primitive streak appear?
  1. A day after conception
  2. In the embryo period
  3. In the germinal period
  4. After birth
College Infant Care (1-12 months)
College Infant Care (1-12 months)
Which of the following statements regarding Newborn Screening is most accurate:
  1. disorder must be rare and occur infrequently
  2. if untreated affected infant may die or develop severe disability
  3. effective treatment or intervention may not exist
  4. tests are highly specific and difficult to conduct
  5. Infants often develop symptoms before the test results are obtained
College Prenatal and Child Care
The following statements about Growth and Development are all true EXCEPT
  1. Development is a progressive increase in skill and functional capacity
  2. Growth is a quantitative change in a childs body that can be measured in units
  3. Growth and Development are continuous processes with predicatble sequences
  4. Growth and Development proceed in cephalo-caudal, proximo-distal and specific to general patterns
College Infant Care (1-12 months)
College Prenatal and Child Care
College Prenatal and Child Care
At 6 weeks gestation, what is developed on the unborn fetus?
  1. Pinna (outer ear)
  2. Formation of tympanic cavity and ossicles (middle ear)
  3. Formation of vestibular structures, utricle, saccule (inner ear)
  4. all of the above
College Prenatal and Child Care
At 6-7 weeks gestation, what is developed on the unborn fetus?
  1. Pinna (outer ear)
  2. Formation of tympanic cavity and ossicles (middle ear)
  3. Formation of vestibular structures, utricle, saccule (inner ear)
  4. all of the above
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