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Seventh Grade (Grade 7) Painting Questions

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Grade 7 Painting
What media might an artist use painting?
  1. watercolors, oils, and flour
  2. acrylic paints and water
  3. oil paints and water
  4. melted crayons and water
Grade 7 Painting
Van Gogh's second most famous work of art to this day:
  1. "The Mona Lisa"
  2. "The Scream"
  3. "Starry Night"
  4. "Poppies"
Grade 7 Painting
During his lifetime, Vincent van Gogh was considered to be a:
  1. a famous artist
  2. misunderstood
  3. a complete failure
  4. renowned writer
Grade 7 Painting
Grade 7 Painting
Vincent van Gogh went voluntarily to:
  1. a police station
  2. an asylum
  3. the army
  4. America
Grade 7 Painting
Van Gogh born in:
  1. 1865
  2. 1820
  3. 1920
  4. 1853
Grade 7 Painting
Vincent van Gogh failed as an:
  1. reporter
  2. doctor
  3. Art dealer
  4. father
Grade 7 Painting
Van Gogh suffered from:
  1. schizophrenia
  2. epileptic fits
  3. vertigo
  4. arthritis
Grade 7 Painting
Vincent van Gogh created 900:
  1. Sculptures
  2. Murals
  3. Sketches
  4. Paintings
Grade 7 Painting
Grade 7 Painting
This famous French artist that eventually became van Gogh's roommate:
  1. Leonardo Da Vinci
  2. Edgar Degas
  3. Paul Gauguin
  4. Claude Monet
Grade 7 Painting
The doctor that was in charge of Vincent van Gogh:
  1. Dr. Gachet
  2. Dr. Gauguin
  3. Dr. Green-Tea
  4. Dr. Ear Fixer
Grade 7 Painting
Grade 7 Painting
Van Gogh's art career only lasted how many years?
  1. 11
  2. 10
  3. Almost 10
  4. A little more than ten but not 11 because that is to much.
Grade 7 Painting
Grade 7 Painting
Vincent van Gogh loved to paint:
  1. Nature
  2. Landscapes
  3. Still Lifes
  4. Oceanscapes
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