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Third Grade (Grade 3) North Carolina Questions

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Grade 3 North Carolina
What are the Mountain, the Piedmont, and the Coastal Plain?
  1. forest in North Carolina
  2. regions of North Carolina
  3. bodies of water in North Carolina
  4. climates in North Carolina
Grade 3 North Carolina
Which human feature makes power in North Carolina?
  1. a dam
  2. a canal
  3. a tunnel
  4. a reservoir
Grade 3 North Carolina
Who were the first people in North Carolina?
  1. Cherokee Indians
  2. Native Indians
  3. American Indians
  4. Iroquois Indians
Grade 3 North Carolina
Who founded the settlement of Salem?
  1. Communities
  2. Workers
  3. British
  4. Moravians
Grade 3 North Carolina
What attracted thousands of people to Charlotte in the 1920s?
  1. malls
  2. people
  3. buildings
  4. textile mills
Grade 3 North Carolina
What did Malcolm P. McLean invent?
  1. telegraph
  2. e-commerce
  3. shipping containers
  4. rail systems
Grade 3 North Carolina
What did Donald L. Bitzer help invent?
  1. computers
  2. car
  3. lightbulb
  4. flat plasma screen
Grade 3 North Carolina
The Coastal Plain is mostly flat land with a few hills.
  1. True
  2. False
Grade 3 North Carolina
What are the Mountain, the Piedmont, and the Coastal Plain?
  1. climates in North Carolina
  2. bodies of water in North Carolina
  3. regions of North Carolina
Grade 3 North Carolina
Name the first North Carolina city to have a rail system.
  1. Fayetteville
  2. Raleigh
  3. Charlotte
  4. New York City
Grade 3 North Carolina
Which is the second-largest banking city in the United States?
  1. High Point
  2. Charlotte
  3. Durham
  4. Raleigh
Grade 3 North Carolina
What did the White Brothers use to make their goods?
  1. technology
  2. machines
  3. desks
  4. hammer
Grade 3 North Carolina
What is Charlotte's biggest business today?
  1. banking
  2. cleaning
  3. farming
  4. marketing
Grade 3 North Carolina
What are three exports of North Carolina?
  1. clothing, milk, and farmland
  2. medicine, clothing, and cows
  3. clothing, tobacco, and medicine
  4. tobacco, clothing, and chairs
Grade 3 North Carolina
Who worked to bring life insurance to people in North Carolina and across the country?
  1. John Merrick
  2. Charles Spaulding
  3. John Merrick and Hugh McColl
  4. John Merrick and Charles Spaulding
Grade 3 North Carolina
The Siouan people lived in the                  
  1. southern piedmont
  2. coastal plain
  3. chowan river
Grade 3 North Carolina
How did Martha McKay help women in businesses in North Carolina?
  1. worked to get equal rights and equal pay
  2. worked to get crops sent to North Carolina
  3. worked to get trade to other countries
  4. worked to get women equal rights only
Grade 3 North Carolina
Who were the main Indian groups in NC?
  1. Cherokee, Catawba, and Tuscarora
  2. Sequoian, Incan, Cherokee
Grade 3 North Carolina
What are the four kinds of crops grown in North Carolina today?
  1. cherries, potatoes, beans, and tobacco
  2. sweet potatoes, soybeans, strawberries, and corn
  3. chicken, sweet potatoes, cheese, and corn
  4. sweet potatoes, beans, steak, and corn
Grade 3 North Carolina
The Cherokee group lived in the                                      
  1. outer banks
  2. mountains and valleys of southwestern
  3. coastal plain
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